i always pour my troubles to her.我经常向她倾诉我的苦恼。
i adore her delicate skin.我喜欢她娇嫩的**。
being tender and understanding, she is like a sister to us.她既温柔体贴又善解人意,对我们来说像姐姐一样。
we h**e much memorable time together.我们共度了许多值得记忆的美好时光。
we share our sorrow and happiness together.我们共同分担痛苦、分享喜悦。
we are birds of a feather.我们是一丘之貉。
our friendship is built upon a solid base.我们的友谊基础稳固。
i know her inside and out.我完全了解她。
a bosom friend is one to whom you could tell all your secrets.亲密的朋友就是你能将所有秘密告诉他的人。
her personality is exactly the same as mine.她的个性与我的完全一样。
he gets along well with everyone in our class.他和我们班上每个人都相处得很好。
we h**e known each other since we were in kindergarten.从幼儿园开始,我们就互相认识。
泰语常用口语100句 2
1.我别无选择。w bi w xun z i h e no choice 2.我喜欢吃冰淇淋。w xhu n ch b ng q l n.i like ice cream 3.我爱这项运动。w i zh xi ng y n d ng.i love this game 4.我尽力而为。w j n l ...
40.watch out 当心。41.what s up?有什么事吗?42.be careful 注意!43.bottoms up 干杯 见底 44.don t move 不许动!45.guess what?猜猜看?46.i doubt it 我怀疑。47.i think so 我也这么想。48.i...
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