2. 多多参照笔记(完整准确)
3. 陈述一个强烈意见,并阐释持此意见的两大理由(两大理由)
4. 使用“引用语言”和“表示阅读与听力关系的语言”(模板至上)
5. 不得发表个人观点(总结和转述)
1. 话题。
the notice / announcement is about __
the topic of the notice / announcement is __
the main point of the notice / announcement is __
2. 看法。
the woman agrees with __
the man approves of __
the woman is upset about __
the man thinks that __
___makes the woman angry.
the man agrees in general with __but he doesn’t like __
the woman concedes that __but she’s concerned that __
3. 对比。
but, however, on the contrary, in contrast……)
___however, _
___but __
___on the contrary, _
4. 引用。
according to the announcement, _
according to the woman, _
the man says that __
1. 公告话题;
2. 公告要点;
3. 学生看法;
4. 持此看法的两大理由。
模板一:the notice tells about __主题词). it says that __主要观点).
the announcement also lists __原因+细节).
the man ( woman) says that he (she) agrees/ disagrees with __阅读主要观点). the first reason is that __第一个理由,听力). the second reason is that __第二个理由,听力).
模板二:the notice tells about __主题词). it says that __主要观点).
the announcement also lists __原因+细节).
___agrees/ disagrees thatbelieves that __according tofurthermore, _states that
模板三:the notice tells about __主题词). it says that __主要观点).
the announcement also lists __原因+细节).
the man (woman) concedes that __but he’s (she’s) concerned that __and he (she) also points out that __so the man (woman) feels that __
speaking tips
第三题。the school has implemented a new policy that___due to___
and the man/ woman holds a positive/ negative view towards the announcement.(这句反应了学生对学校的态度,很重要)
the first reason she/ he gives is that___
the second reason is based on the fact that___
第四题。in the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that___
to reinforce the theory, the professor g**e two reasons in his speech.
the first one is that___
the other one is that___
and that’s the two reasons the speaker presented to explain his idea.
第五题。in this conversation, the man/ woman is h**ing a hard time dealing with the problem that___10秒内)
and the woman/ man offers him/ her two(或three) possible solutions.
one is that___17秒)(尽量简略)
the other is that___17秒)(尽量简略)
and if it were my choice, i would choose the former/ latter one, because___10秒)(必须的部分——自己的观点)
第六题。in the lecture, the professor presents two examples to illustrate the phenomenon/ theory that___15秒)
the first one is that___20秒)
the other example is that___20秒)
and that’s the two examples the speaker presented to explain the phenomenon/ theory.
注意一些过渡词,如:what’s more,表明professor可能要说更多的观点了。
the lecture is about___
first, _for example, _thus, _
secondtherefore, _
in conclusion, _
the lecture mainly talks about___
first, _as a result, _for example, _
second, _so___this means that___
thus, _
4:流畅、清晰(偶尔小错、语音语调问题);有效使用语法和词汇(熟练运用简单和复杂的结构;偶有小错,但不影响理解);用标志词明确观点之间的关系(如,first, second……或what’s more之类)
综合话题:4:回答要清晰,流利,连续(发音和语调偶有小错;语速时有变化;总体清晰易懂);能用简单和复杂的结构连贯、有效地表达相关内容(用词恰当;可以冗余小错);清晰表达观点的渐进性(用过渡词表示,比如furthermore, what’s more……)和包含相关的信息(要包含细节)
according to the reading, _主题词) means一句话再把详细解释稍微说一下).
to illustrate this, the professor offers two examples.
one is that___this means___
the other example is that___that is to say, _
新东方英语 月刊,2003年五月创刊,刊号为issn1672 4186 cn11 5049 g4。由新东方教育科技集团与 海外文摘 杂志社联合推出,主要读者对象是在校大学生 部分高中生以及广大的英语爱好者。2003年7月交邮,邮发代号 2 101。每月1日出版,大32开,128页,双色印刷,是国内英...
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