
发布 2021-03-15 23:18:28 阅读 1900

ithink there is no one would say “no” to tr**el. people lovetr**el, for it canmake them relax and widen their vision. some peoplelike to tr**el withfriends, because they want to share the pleasure oftr**eling, and they thinkthe journey will be much easier for they cantake care of each other.

whilesome people like to tr**el alone, they cango anywhere in anytime. they don’th**e to care about what thepartner’s idea. in my opinion, i’m much preferredto tr**el withfriends, but i always h**e an urge to tr**el alone.



firstly,i was told that tr**el alone can help people to grow upquickly, and that’swhat i really need. if you tr**el alone, you h**e todo everything by yourselfin the journey, for instance, to buy a ticket,to book hotel, and askdirections. that maybe just a small case forextrovert, but for introvert, likeme, it’s reallya big challenge.

iremember the first time i go to tr**el withfriends and my little brother,they did everything, and i just follow and had even too shame tocheck into a hotel, and my little brother did it for me. iwas humiliatedfor that. so, tr**el alone could force introvert to do the thingsthatyou don’t dare to do.

it could help you to build an extrovert, tr**el alone could enhance your ability tohandle emergencecase.




secondly,tr**el alone gives you peace of mind. image that, youwalking alone in thebeach, there are no sounds of human beings, justburst of sound w**es. youclose your eyes, enjoy the moment, you willfeel peace.


inshort, tr**el alone could be loneliness and dangerous, especiallyfor girls,but it’s worth h**ing a try for the beautiful scene in thejourney, it seemslike all the things are just exist for you.



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