
发布 2021-03-15 05:09:28 阅读 8906



tr**el is a very good means of broadening a person'sperspective. it makes you e into contact with differentcultures,meet people of different colors and go throughpeculiar rites and ceremonies. tr**elling much,you willnot only enrich your knowledge and experiences,but alsobe aware of the vastness of nature.

tr**el may also relieve person of boredom and brings you enjoyment and attraction. it gives you apleasant experience,which will disperse your boredom andmake you forget whatever annoys you. tr**el broadens yourmind and le**es you good memories.

later,you may go overthese memories and enjoy your past experiences,thuskeeping a fresh and sunny mind.




i love tr**eling. tr**eling not only broadens myhorizons but also opens my eyes to the world. what's more,it refreshes me.

you can go to disneyland and experiencewhat it's like to be "a child again!" you can visit one ofthe "seven wonders of the world," such as the grand canyonand feel the magnificence of nature! you can taste the"magicial" ice water on a glacier, which can help you beemore beautiful and make you live longer.

just forget alltrifles and burdens that you h**e in your mind. experienceis a type of living knowledge. you'll be sure to experiencemany new things when tr**eling.

you don't even need a tourguide if you long for more freedom. just don't forget tobring your backpack!





英语 旅行的意义

背上行囊现在出发 环游世界地大理由。马克 吐温 从现在开始地二十多年中,比起那些已经做过地,你会越来越后悔那些你没有做过地事情。请解开系紧地船缆,驶离安全地港湾,扬帆远航吧。去探索,去梦想,去发现!b5e2r。你将成长为一个独立地人。当你周游世界时,你就有机会体验不同地文化并结识新朋友。通过这些经历...


旅行,是一个让人遐想联翩的词语。谈到旅行,可以想到很多东西,比方巴黎铁塔和刚刚磨好的冒着热气的咖啡,或者是一条长了青苔的陈年的小巷和一台老旧的胶片照相机,蓝的让人惊叹的天和白的没有一丝杂质的云,都是满满的诗意呢。旅行是一种执念。可能,执念着那里的美景 可能,执念着那里的美食 可能,执念着那里的乡风 ...

作文 旅行的意义

作文 旅行的意义。春天就要结束,夏天即将到达,你从远方归来,或者正好整装待发。你说你喜欢绿的树,青的草,白的云,蓝的天,你说你喜欢色彩靓丽的世界 你说你喜欢翩飞的蝴蝶,跳跃的蟋蟀,你说你喜欢那盎然的生机 你说你喜欢远方的特色各异的城市,古朴的流水小镇,红的剪纸,蓝的风筝,花鸟山水的扇子,形形色色的挂...