shakespeare said: "books are the nourishment of the world." i think the metaphor is very appropriate.
i grew up without books!
one time, is very popular in our class a book called "charles ix", i didn't like reading, saw the classmate all hands holding the book. the second day, we will go to the track and field training, i will call xiao liu classmates go down, and then, liu ask me: "do you want to see it?
" i h**e heard say: "good! thanks!
" after we finished our homework in the home, i opened the book, the book said a few children go to adventure with a puppy, are science fiction, very attract me, i fell in love with this book. one day, my name is mother bought me a book these, my mother bought for me, return to a home, mom give the book to me, i'll play reading a book to see, because is too good, i lost track of time, my father called me to dinner i don't know, dad came to my side said: "if you look at chinese book so ecstasy!
"in a few days, my birthday! dad g**e me a birthday present, i want to buy the book, i h**en't export, dad said can't buy your book! i heard the cry of a, then, my father bought the book to me, he said:
"love reading."
"books are the source of knowledge! "books are the ladder of human progress!" students, let us together to read is!!!
i believe that the book will make you into another world, the book will bring you the fun of my poor!
描写风筝的高一作文5篇。远远望去,风筝像一只自由自在的小鸟在空中欢呼雀跃,翩翩起舞,与它的 兄弟姐妹 遥相呼应。这里给大家分享一些写风筝的高中作文,希望对大家有所帮助。写风筝的高中作文篇1 我抬头仰望天空,蔚蓝的,好空旷。可是,当我再一次睁开眼睛时,它以变得五彩斑斓,无数的风筝,迎着风儿,飞翔蓝天,...
篇一 又到春天 眺望远方,一片绿油油的麦苗映入眼帘,微风拂过,麦浪滚滚,给原本光秃秃的大地披上了一件绿衣裳。深吸一口气,一阵阵油菜花香扑鼻而来。有的油菜花开得十分灿烂,有的正含苞欲放,还有的还只是个花骨朵,像个害羞的小姑娘。仔细听,麻雀早已在枝头叽叽喳喳开起了 大会。燕子不知何时也已经归来。所有的一...
篇一 又到春天 眺望远方,一片绿油油的麦苗映入眼帘,微风拂过,麦浪滚滚,给原本光秃秃的大地披上了一件绿衣裳。深吸一口气,一阵阵油菜花香扑鼻而来。有的油菜花开得十分灿烂,有的正含苞欲放,还有的还仅仅个花骨朵,像个害羞的小姑娘。仔细听,麻雀早已在枝头叽叽喳喳开起了 大会。燕子不知何时也已经归来。所有的一...