in the past twenty years, china has faced three american presidents, but till coming to yale today, i never realized that china really just faced one university. although, through these three presidents, i understand that the quality of yale graduates is not so even.
let me begin my main subject and let me give it a title, called “my story and the chinese dream behind it”. i want to talk about five particular years. the first is 1968.
that year i was born. but it was also a chaotic year for the world. in france, there was this huge street disturbance, and in america, too.
then president kennedy was assassinated. however, i really did not cause all of these! but that year what we remember more was the assassination of mr.
martin luther king. although he fell that year, his words “i h**e a dream” stood up, not only stood up in america, but across the whole world.
but sadly, not only for me, but for almost all chinese, we did not know such a dream. it was hard to describe each chinese as h**ing his or her own dream. china and america were so far apart, no less far apart than the moon and the earth.
but i didn’t care about any of that. all i cared about was could i h**e a full meal. clearly, i was born at a very inconvenient time, not only for china, but even for the world, there were problems.
随着一声雷响,我们家的贝贝终于当上妈妈了。记得那是一个夏天的夜晚,电闪雷鸣,风雨交加。从那天下午开始,贝贝就开始闹腾。不停地叫,烦躁地在狗窝旁边转圈,声音里夹杂着呻吟声,好像很不舒服似的。平时它很安静,只有遇到生人,或者饿了的时候,才会 汪汪地 叫几声。今天贝贝怎么了?是不是邻居家的猫又来惹它了?全...