
发布 2021-03-15 04:35:28 阅读 1856

dream is in process of growing up, we best friend. it accompanies us grow up tall. to a meaningful life, will strive for the dream to fight.

recall that uncle li's dream: is a grateful heart to feedback the society, the movement with oriental characteristics --tai chi, to the world.

this is a dream blooming age, everyone is a dreamer. the chinese dream start from my dream.

this story again let me understand what is the power of a dream:

from small yang mengheng lost both arms, with his strong will to participate in the paralympic games, said let his spare more rich. although he didn't finish his wish, he made excellent achievements in study. in this case i know such a truth:

the light is not enough to h**e a dream, also learn to br**e dedication to pursue. adhere to the dream, is a constant process of transcending oneself. looked up at your dream, down-to-earth efforts to further every day from the dream.

"young wisdom, wisdom, young strong a country strong!" our knowledge of the future of our motherland, so from now on, we must h**e a dream, and strive to realize the dream!

the classmates, because we h**e a dream in everyone's heart, so every little dream together, constitutes the country's dream, this is the chinese dream!









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