low carbon life is a kind of environmental protection, s**ing and fashionable way of life. electricity s**ing, water s**ing, fuel-efficient, throttle can help us to low carbon life into reality.
at present, our earth mother is "fever", warming the earth. caused by the earth mother catches the "disease" culprit is a huge carbon emissions. however, to "cure disease" is not without its way.
nowadays, low carbon era had pulled, is changing our lives.
in fact, low carbon in the us. such as: summer, we use air conditioning don't use too long, a few hours to shut the air conditioner, to open electric fan, it can s**e 50% of the electricity; keep food in the refrigerator, the amount of food the best accounts for 80% of the volume, with the bag after the water cooling in freezer, such, can not only extend the downtime, can also reduce the boot time, s**es the electricity; created by the diy craft again, you will find that the original waste is treasure, household environment that healthy and full of creative little joy.
often start work at ordinary times, diligent brain, also can achieve low carbon life. adds up the rest of the tea tea at ordinary times, can do a tea pillow; do with short pencil, a pen cap, set in the above, you can then use; the rest of the small soap with soap, accumulate over a long period, also can into a soap.
in addition, tr**el, try to walk, ride a bike, ride the bus and subway more, less private cars; to use less disposable things; open the computer or tv time not too long, about a few hours off.
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