
发布 2021-03-12 19:54:28 阅读 2921

today, we visited the world-famous ancient miracle - the great wall.

the great wall is the symbol of the chinese nation, it stretches for more than twelve thousand, is one of the world's greatest works of architecture. we visit the great wall at badaling. when a few yards from the car to badaling, h**e seen the magnificent great wall, into the distance with the rolling mountains abruptness, extension, like a dragon in the mountains of mist ascended.

every other distance on the great wall is a beacon tower, like a giant hand in hand, shouldering the defend the burden of the central plains of china.

we climb from the foot of the great wall, the great wall is not as steep as i imagined, but linked by many gentle slope, where the relatively steep are ladder, on both sides of the ladder and the middle is a handrail, easy to climb in the slightest. a sea of people on the great wall, there are many "laowai"! unconsciously, we h**e climbed to the first war, this reminds me of the "war drama leud" story.

the beacon tower, we continued to climb up, in the mountain fog, i vaguely see the opposite hill useful steel plate made of "one world, one dream" signs. then climb, we see a towers, dad said: "this is the tower, the ancient sentry guard here.

" the tower, we'll walk back to the "stone". men h**e chairman mao's memorial inscription - not a true man unless he comes to the great wall. our whole family left a shadow here, then go home.

"not a true man unless he comes to the great wall", today i climbed the great wall, i also, when the time is really happy!









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