历年高考英语满分作文 一次经历

发布 2021-03-03 22:25:28 阅读 1723

【题目】湖南卷高考英语作文主要是通过英语作文讲述一次关于他人或者是自己的经历,主要是需要考生把给出的关键词,镶嵌进去,match winner loser result。

【范文】last week, a football match was held between we class one and class two.

the players from both sides are all excellent basketball players, so the match went on fiercely at first. at last the result is: the winner is cass two, and we were the loser.

we didn’t win the match, but we didn’t lose heart. one the one hand, we think that friendship comes first, and match comes second. on the other hand, since we all tried our best, we had no regret.

in our life we may meet many failures, as long as we try our best, there’s no need feeling regret for these failures. what’ more, we should analyze the reasons of failure to get success for the next time.

in a word, success is important, so is failure, because it’s the mother of success






历年高考英语满分作文 一次经历

历年高考英语满分作文 一次经历。题目 湖南卷高考英语作文主要是通过英语作文讲述一次关于他人或者是自己的经历,主要是需要考生把给出的关键词,镶嵌进去,match winner loser result。范文 last week,a football match was held betweenwe c...


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