
发布 2021-03-03 08:54:28 阅读 4000


the annual arbor day arrived, in march, the weather sky,connect with gently footsteps came to earth. the earth allthings recovery, the grass from the earth drill out, thisis the spring's eyebrows. open clusters of flowers in theflower bed, this is the eye of the spring.

the teacher incharge teacher ma took us to city road outside of plantingtrees.

we carried the saplings, carrying shovels, carrying abucket, cheerfully came to the road. we are good team, lihaochen, qing-long liu and i are a team. li haochen qing-long liu try to eat with milk that shovel out of a holewith a spade, and then put the tree in the pit, and thegood earth, with a spade on strong.

i carry a bucket to find water, walk for ten minutes,finally saw a stream. i fished from the streams of waterh**e a bucket of clear water, and then carry water bucketran back to the tree. qing-long liu also ran to help me, wecarry several barrels of water back and forth, the teacherpraised us on the spot.

we though very tired, but veryhappy, because we are contributing to the greening themotherland.

wish the world all kinds of a small tree, watching themgrow up, that how interesting! let us h**e to plant trees,everyone has a green consciousness, only in this way, oursociety will be harmonious, the future of the pla must begreen!







the annual arbor day arrived. in the morning, abeautiful, there are white clouds in the sky.

my mother took me to plant trees in the park with mybrother. we are like a happy bird "fly" to the park.

when you get there, i saw the children plant trees withmy father and mother, some moved, some carrying hoes dig ahole, some carrying shovels soil, and holding a bucket tothe river to play water...they h**e done, also helping towipe the sweat.

my brother and i find a place where mother dug a holewith a hoe, and brother put the saplings in, i also firmlyhold the saplings, afraid to fall saplings. i use a shovelto saplings fill. fill out fill in, the soil in thebuffalos filled.

local tree seedlings h**e firmly whenstopped. brother step on the soil with their feet tightly,i will pour water slowly into the soil, plants drink enoughwater, seemed to bee more healthy and strong.

as long as we are all plant a tree, that our earthmother will bee more beautiful. next year, and i want toplant trees!







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