关于植树节英语作文带翻译 我与小树共同成长

发布 2021-03-03 08:15:28 阅读 5214



fromwinterto spring,a newtreeplanting dayofmarch12iscoming.



this day, i came to a grassland. it's a very vast land in the sit on chairs beside the road and chat. all of a sudden, an oldman who was dancing the sword came over, an old woman who waswalkingcameover,manyunclesandauntscameoverandsurrounded me in a circle.

everyone said in unison, “this kid is reallyhardworking!”


i'm a little shy listening to all the praise.



i h**e a dry tree in my hand. after a while, a small pit appears infront of me. i compared the size of the sapling in the pit mouth, butit was still a little bit smaller.

i tried my best to continue to dig, andfound that there was a stone against it, so i picked it out with anotherthinner stick. in the near future, i carefully put the seedlings into thepit, cover the original exc**ated soil, but also exhausted the i finally planted a small tree.


i think of the small trees growing tall and straight after decades.



i think a person is like a tree. the so-called “ten-year tree man,hundredyeartree”.thegrowthofsmalltreeswillbehitbywindand rain, and people will be frustrated and defeated.

“how can wesee a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?” there are manystorms in front of us. to conquer it, you are the strong and you arethe br**e.


small trees grow with us, small trees experience wind and rainwith us, small trees see rainbow with us!

关于植树节的英语作文带翻译 写在植树节

关于植树节的英语作文范文带翻译 写在植树节。新春有约,如期而至。步入田野,我看见阳光和风把绿色的纤指放进冬天的嘴里,风景的韵律,不懈地弹拨,流淌,不停地穿梭在曾让我沉闷的冬季空间,灿烂了我的双眼。春天的欲望在燃烧,荡漾开去,传播到与土地相接的岸边,奔走着告诉彼此的幸福。有一种精灵,是藏在春天里的。青...


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