评和分享!1、读书长见识。reading makes sense.2、失败乃成功之母。
failure is the mother of success.3、学无坦途。
there is no easy way to learn.4、吃一堑,长一智。eat a cut and grow wisdom.5、祸不单行。
disasters pile up on one another.6、积少自然成多。a little makes a lot.
7、物以类聚。like attracts like.8、自助者,天助之。
god helps those who help themselves.9、明日待明日,明日不再来。
tomorrow is tomorrow, tomorrow is not coming.
10、兴趣是最好的教师。interest is the best teacher.11、患难见真交。
true friendship can be found in adversity.12、眼不见,心不念。out of sight, out of mind.
who laughs behind, who laughs well.14、熟能生巧。
skill comes from practice.15、世上无难事,只要肯登攀。
nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willingto climb.
golden nest and silver nest are better than their own grassnest.
a wise man who cares for everything must lose something.18、创业不易,守业更难。
it's not easy to start a business, but it's more difficult tokeep one's job.
life is endless, hope is always there.20、条条大路通罗马。all roads lead to rome.
21、不劳则无获。no pains, no gains.22、合即立,分即垮。
when they are united, they fall apart.23、三思而后行。look before you leap.24、有志者,事竟成。
where there is a will, there is a way.25、学习趁年轻,学就要学好。learn while you are young, learn well.
26、不劳无获。no pain, no gain.
everything can be done as long as one has perseverance.28、一次被咬,下次胆小。once bitten, next time timid.
facts speak louder than words.30、勇敢和坚决是美德的灵魂。
courage and determination are the soul of virtue.31、英雄所见略同。heroes see the same thing.
flowers bloom again, and no one is young again.33、闪光的未必都是金子。all that glitters is not gold.
if you lose nothing, you'll miss a thousand miles.35、欲速则不达。more haste, less speed.
36、说起来容易做起来难。it's easier said than done.37、天道酬勤。
he**en rewards diligence.38、人非生而知之。man is not born to know.39、天助自助者。
god helps those who help themselves.40、人生有限,学问无涯。limited life, boundless learning.
作者 发布时间 2009 01 13 16 05 12点击 1061 birdofafeatherflocktogether.物以类聚。afriendinneedafriendindeed.患难见真交。oneman smeatisanothermen spoison.利于甲者未必利于乙。anhour...
作者 发布时间 2009 01 13 16 05 12点击 1061 bird of a feather flock together.物以类聚。a friend in need a friend indeed.患难见真交。one man s meat is another men s poison...
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