长城英语高三作文高三作文 x

发布 2021-03-02 18:34:28 阅读 3513


greatwall---thesymbolofthechinesenation's backbone, is to build the longest in theworld, the largest country in the volume of our ancestors, is the pride of the chinese people,but also the pride of the whole world.

thefamousgreatwall,likeadragon,lithewinding, west to jiayuguan in gansu province. itsvertical and horizontal hebei, beijing, shanxi, innermongolia,ningxia,shaanxi,gansuandothersevenprovinces and autonomous regions, and total length of6700km,thereforeiscalledthe"greatwall".

the great wall has a long history, was founded inthe spring and autumn period and the warring statesperiod, more than 2000 years history. since the qindynasty, built the great wall has been a big to build the great wall, 1/20 of the work environment is hills, cliff deep. as you canimagine, lots of people without hard work, is

the great wall, the mountains, the cliffs, wearwasteland, horizontal amount, and at the top of themountains, the other shore of the yellow river and thecoast of the bohai sea. ,ancient and modern, chineseand foreign people who h**e been to the greatwallcan'tholdtheirwonderatthegrandfinale,grandscale. thegreatwallislikea towering monument,standing on the earth, standing in the heart of thepeople of the world.

thegreatwall,majestic,magnificent,istheepitome of the chinese nation, is also a symbol of thechinesenationcivilization,isuniqueinhumanhistory,the only one like you!








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