
发布 2021-03-02 10:28:28 阅读 3583

recently,ih**eseenanimpressivefilm—“meettheparents”,which isabout a woman palm brought her boyfriend gregtoherparents’home to spend holiday. in the film, greg was sodishonest topalm’sparentsthatpalm’sfatherissuspiciousof his beh**ior and quality. as aresult, greg is obnoxious toall and hasto le**e.

asfar asiamconcerned,theconsequenceis he**ily caused by his dishonesty. if greg could be realhimallthetime,hewouldgetmuchrespectandappreciationandwould not get muchfrustration. from the film, i h**e learnedthat being honest was extremelyimportant and necessary.

inother words, being honest is a basic principle forus to dealwith others.




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foronething,wewillnotgetothers’ would make friends with us or even communicate with another, wewill get others’respect and appreciation iftelling the truth. telling thetruth and being ourselves, wewill get a healthy and peaceful surrounding togrow up better.一方面,除非我们队别人诚实,否则我们得不到别热的信任。


however, something strange happens in our is a lot. it made some people h**e a suspicionthat being honest is not soimportant.


but istill believe thatthese are just a few cases,sincehonestyis deeplyrooted inour mindsandwestill consideritas a basicprinciple in social contacts.



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