
发布 2021-02-21 21:28:28 阅读 2759



the progress of the society needs sincerity". so whatis integrity? honesty is a kind of responsibility, a virtue,a kind of power!

we should learn to honest and trustworthy,be honest and trustworthy. it is the most beautiful coat,is the most holy soul of flowers. this is what i h**e readthe known rongming shame, starts from me --proud of honestand trustworthy, ashamed of cynical "the greatest feeling.

book: there is a story made me very moved, in august xx,huazhou city, guangdong province, a lottery betting stationof the old customer. wu due to business trip, missionedbetting station boss hai-yan lin bought the lottery of 700yuan, as a result, these tickets are 5 million yuan ofaward, but during mr wu is still on a business trip, andact as purchasing agency fee didn't hand in 700 yuan, hai-yan lin can put the $5 million prize for existing.

thecharacteristics of the lottery is known to all, it is notregistered, don't report the loss, who will be allowed toget in who's hand and it is protected by law. so, hai-yanlin even took that 5 million yuan from the law, is alsotenable.

but surprised everyone, hai-yan lin big prize should bereturned to the wu: hesitation, she telephoned mr. wu, lethim e here to collect, and act as purchasing agency feeonly g**e 700 yuan.

read this story, i began to feel the same with all ofyou: "hai-yan lin was a fool!" g**e up could be 5 million,but she must notify mr.

wu, if only i, maybe it will be 5million yuan, aording to early to h**e. but later i changedmy mind.

hai-yan lin can fill into his pockets, the 5 millioncan be if she did, lottery betting station of some oldcustomers will see her again? although she got the material"fat", but she is mentally one less important things -honesty.

honesty is the person for, if a person without goodfaith, why did he in the society based on? however, zhangsan, li si, if it is found that the people do not h**e goodfaith, will le**e him holding the bag. then the personwithout good faith, loneliness will be with him forever.

how admirable hai-yan lin idea!!!but her actions aremore worthy of our admiration! in the materialistic societytoday, she'd rather at the expense of the 5 million yuan,established the integrity.

just think: if no good faithsociety, no one to implement the good faith, the societywill happen again? do you are willing to live in a falseand deception in the space?

so say, honesty is veryimportant. the classmates, if we h**e the good faith, hasthe sense of responsibility, a virtue, is the power of thespirit! let's put the integrity bees a kind of fashion, togo for it!
















做一个诚实的人。年级 初三。字数 体裁 散文。中华民族历来崇尚诚实守信。古往今来,关于诚信的事例举不胜数。古有孙膑一诺千金,宋濂连夜抄书,曾参诚信教子,今有邓颖超冒雨赴约,列宁依时归还图书等等。他们用自己的行动向世人昭示了一个深刻的哲理,那就是 只有诚信的人才能获得别人的信任和尊重,才能有所作为。走...


诚实是心灵开出最美丽的花,高尔基曾说过 诚实是人生永远最美好的品德。以下是小编为大家整理分享的诚实的人作文,欢迎阅读参考。诚实的人作文一。天气阴沉沉的,白云象披了一层灰,我在家里看电视,爸爸说 该上英语课去了。我极速穿完衣服,过了10分钟,我到了老师家楼下,但是我忘记了老师家在几楼。就问一户人家,我...


诚信是在一连串失败后,朋友们主动伸出的那一双双温热的手。下面是的诚实的人作文,希望对大家有帮助!今天发生了一件事。下午进教室坐下时,椅子还没坐热呢,就见宋柏晨走过来,把一支笔放在我桌上,说 给你。说完就回到了座位上。我看了看那支笔,是一支摩易擦笔。我迷惑不解地想 奇怪,他送我笔干嘛?叮铃铃 午自习铃...