
发布 2021-02-28 21:48:28 阅读 7772




1、客房服务,可以进来吗? (housekeeping, may i come in?)

2、女士、先生,晚上好!现在可以为您开夜床吗? (good evening, madam and i do the turn downservice for you now?)

3、 对不起,打扰您了,先生。(i’m sorry to disturb you, sir.)

4、 先生/女士,您希望我们什么时候再来?(what time would you like us to come back, sir/madam?

5、 夫人,我可以整理一下您床上的东西吗?(may i tidy up the things on your bed,madam?)

6、 先生/女士,请问有没有要洗的衣服?(do you h**e any laundry, sir/madam?)

7、 我们提供快洗服务,加收50%的加急费。(we h**e express service at a 50% extra charge.)

8、 您是要快洗服务还是当日取?(do you prefer your laundry by express service or returned on same-day?)

9、 客房里有小冰箱/保险箱。(there is a mini bar/ a safe in your room.)

10、 这个房间是海景房/山景房。(the room enjoys the ocean/sea view/ the view of the hills.)

11、 每间客房都有电热水壶。(we provide an electric kettle to every guest room.)

12、 如果有问题,随时找我们。(if you h**e any questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know.)

13、 中餐厅的营业时间是上午7点到晚上11点。(the chinese restaurant opens from 7am to 11pm.//the business/opening hours for the chinese restaurant are from 7am to 11pm.

14、 我马上把转换插头拿来。( i’ll bring the adaptor right away.)

15、 马桶水箱里没有水了。(there is no water in the toilet tank.)

16、 空调的噪音太大了。(the air conditioner is ****** a big noise.)

17、 我们能找人修理。(we can h**e it fixed/repaired.)

18、 在房间上网是免费的。(it’s free to use internet in the room.)

19、 我教您一下怎么使用酒店的wifi /擦鞋机。(let me show you how to how to use the hotel wifi / the shining machine.)

20、 对不起,能不能再说一遍? (sorry, but could you say it again?)


1、一共有几位用餐呢?(how many people are there in your party?)

2、女士,您想订什么时间的餐位呢?(what time would you like your table, madam?)

3、 先生,这个餐桌的位置可以吗?(will this table be all right for you, sir?)

4、 先生/女士,抱歉让您等这么久。(sorry to h**e kept you waiting, sir/madam.)

5、 先生,您的桌子已经准备好了。请随我来。(your table is ready, sir. come with me, please.)

6、 这是菜单。服务员马上就来。(here is the menu. the waitress will be with you in a moment.)

7、 您现在点菜吗?(may i take your order now?)

8、 先生,点菜前想喝点什么吗? (would you care for a drink before you order, sir?)

9、 本店的素菜非常可口。(we serve excellent vegetarian food in our restaurant.)

10、 红烧鱼是本餐厅的特色菜。(sweet and sour fish is the specialty of this restaurant.)

11、 烤鸡是本地最有名的菜肴之一。(roast chicken is one of the most famous dishes of this area.)

12、 这道菜色、香、味俱全。(the dish looks good, smells good and tastes good.)

13、 清蒸鸡最好趁热吃。(the steamed chicken is best while hot.)

14、 您用筷子还是刀叉? (would you like chopsticks or knife and fork?)

15、 本地啤酒的口感相当好。想尝尝吗?(the local beer tastes very good. would you like a try?)

16、 先生,你点的菜需要10分钟准备。(your order will be ready in 10 minutes, sir.)

17、 这是餐厅奉送的。(it is a complimentary dish./it is on the house.)

18、 对不起。我马上去给你催一下你的菜。(i’m sorry. but i’ll go to rush your order right now)

19、 您是用信用卡还是现金结算?(will you pay by credit card or in cash?)

20、 女士,对此造成的不便,我们非常抱歉。(we are very sorry for any inconvenience caused, madam.)


1、您要培根还是火腿?would you like bacon or ham?

2、如果你喜欢素菜,番茄沙拉很美味。ifyou likevegetarian food, the tomato salad is delicious.

3、 女士,请问鸡蛋您喜欢怎么做的? (how would you like your eggs, madam?)

4、 您的牛排是要全熟的还是三分熟的?(would you like your steak well done or rare?)

5、 您先来点什么?(what would you like to start?)

6、 晚餐要不要来杯葡萄酒佐餐?(would you like to h**e a glass of wine with dinner?)

7、 您要看看我们蛋糕的种类吗? (would you like to see our cake selection?)

8、 您要甜点吗?我们的甜点是本市最好吃的。(would you like to order a dessert?

we h**e the best desserts in the city.)

9、 正餐前要不要点个开胃菜?would you like an appetizer before dinner?

10、 这是菜单和酒水单。您要先来点开胃酒吗? (here is the menu and the wine list.

would you like to order an aperitif?)

11、 不好意思,蒸鱼没了。(i'm sorry, we run out of steamed fish. )

12、 牛肉茶是本店的特色菜。您来点吗?beef tea is our specialty here. would you like some?

13、 今天的特别推荐是玉米汤。today's special is corn soup.

14、 先生,汤可以上了吗?may i serve the soup now,sir?

15、 本店的烤土豆得到很多客人的欢迎。our baked potato is popular with many guests.

16、 先生,您点的菜需要15分钟准备。(your order will be ready in 15 minutes, sir.)

17、 先生,再上点别的什么吗? could i serve you anything else,sir?/ would you like anything else, sir?


18、 先生,请问现在结帐了吗?(may i make out the bill for you now,sir?)

19、 麻烦您签一下名字和房间号码。(could i h**e your signatureand room number, please.)

20、 坐出租车从酒店到机场大约需要30分钟。(it takes 30 minutes by taxi from the hotel to the airport.)



1、i need one more pillow, please.(我需要加个枕头。)

2、the air-conditioner doesn’t work.(空调坏了。)

3、the water tap was dripping all night long.(水龙头一晚上都在滴水。)

4、the tv set in my room doesn’t give clear picture.(我房间的电视图象不清楚。)

5、there seems to besomething wrong with the toilet/bath tub. (抽水马桶/浴缸好像出了点毛病。)

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