
发布 2021-02-23 12:41:28 阅读 1961

快乐的课间-happy class break

the bell rang and the class was over. the classroom became noisy. some students went out of the classroom.

i was just chatting with some of my classmates when li hong came to me. she smiled and said to me, what's four minus four? do you know?

it's zero. that is easy. answered i.

but li hong shook her head and said it's wrong. it's eight. why?

that's impossible! you will understand if you cut down four corners of a desk. said li hong.

is that a joke? oh, yes. we all laughed.

during the class break, we had a good rest. we often h**e a pleasant break.


她笑着对我说: 你知道4减4等于几吗? 我回答:

等于零,太简单了。 但李红播着头说: 不对,是8。

为什么?不可能。 李红说:

你砍掉桌予的4个角,就明白了。 这是笑话吗? 唤,是的。


the bell rang and the class was over. many classmates jumped up from the seat. the classroom became noisy.

some students went out of the classroom while talking and laughing. two girls were singing a song on their seats. some boys were telling a joke loudly.

they were laughing together. i was chatting with some classmates when li hong came to me. she joined us.

our class break was often full of fun and laughter. we often h**e a pleasant break.





快乐的课间作文范文。叮铃铃。随着下课的铃声响起,们快乐地叫道 下课啦!随即他们就像刚出笼的小鸟一样飞快地奔向大操场。篮球场上早就热闹起来了。你看,那个打篮球高个子的同学,他眉头紧锁,一边使劲地拍打着篮球,一边紧紧地观察对方球员的移动。他看准时机,一跃而起,投中了一个漂亮的篮板球。搏得了场外同学的一片...

快乐的大课间 作文

叮铃铃 下课的铃声响起来了,同学们争先恐后地涌出教室,迅速排好队奔赴操场。做完热身操,便是快乐大课间的时间。你瞧,同学们有的跳绳,有的打羽毛球,有的打乒乓球,有的踢毽子,有的玩滑滑板,好不热闹!顿时,操场变成了欢乐的海洋。最可爱的是一年级小朋友,他们在老师的组织下,玩起了老鹰捉小鸡的游戏。老师担起母...

作文 快乐的大课间

当遇见挫折的时候,请你伸出你的左手,左手代表着希望,它永远不向困难低头 这一首激励别人前进的歌曲 左手右手 拉开了桂小大课间评比活动的序幕。每一次的大课间,都是快乐的 每一次的游戏,都是讲求团结的。这一次的游戏也不例外,同舟共济 便是我们这一次的大课间项目。小船 约长两米,宽一米,每艘 船 最多可坐...