
发布 2021-02-22 11:48:28 阅读 6242


dear miss/mr. li,thank you for __us so well .you’re so __to me .

i’ll never __you . wish you happy, _and young for ever. everything goes well .


from wang li


dear freeman,i’m sorry to tell you that i’m not __well today .i’ve had a bad __the doctor told me to stay in bad __two days . so i can’t go to school these two days .

i want to___for two day’s sick le**e. i hope to get __soon .

thank you .




wang lei is my good __he is quite friendly and helpful . he is always trying to __in all his subjects . and he has many different __of hobbies .

he is always well-beh**ed. he sets a good___he is the hero in my heart.

假如你是kylie请给你的好朋友sally 写一封电子邮件告诉他明天下午3..30smith教授来做如何学好英语的报告请他和你一起去听报告请你完成这封电子邮件每空一词(5分)

subject: a talk

silly h**e a piece of good news for you. tomorrow professor smithville be invited to___us a talk about how to __english well. i will __at 3.

30 in the afternoon will you please___and listen __it if you are free ?

please write to me soon.

kylie假如你是学生会的负责人,请用英语写一份通知。内容:本周六全体同学去西山植树。早7.30 在学校门前集合,乘校车去,下午六点返回不要迟到,请完成这个通知每空一词(5分)


all the students will go to the west hill to __tress this saturday. we’ll __at the school gate at 7.30 a .

m. we’ll go there __school bus. at 6.

00 we’ll __back. _be late.

march 10

the students ‘union


my___backpack is lost on the playground. there___a set of keys, a dictionary and four___please call li ming138***


dear mom,liping


it’s a

for whom___



come and h**e fun


dear jenny,how are you __on with your study? are you busy now? i’m sorry to tell you i __with my parents.

they don’t want me to meet my friends. even on __after school. i don’t know___to do?

i hope to get your___


do you like collect9ing stamps?

do you want to __my stamp-collecting __

do you want to __friends?

please call tom __8675-4321

or you can __e-mail to


when you climb the mountain, you should follow these rules:

1. in order to protect the trees, don’t___fires in the woods.

2. don’t throw rubbish. when you le**e, please __the waste *****, bags and bottles___with you

3. the villagers get their drinking water from the rivers, so you must___the rivers clean

4. protect the plants and animals. don’t___or hurt any animals, birds or insects.

don’t dig up plants or pick flowers.


一 现在,电脑被广泛地运用于各个领域,扮演着越来越重要的角色。人们使用电脑写信 玩游戏 聊天 经商 储备信息等。computers seem to be everywhere.they become more and more important in our life.we can do many...


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一 格式。1 称呼 英语应用文称呼有这样的特点 1 如果是不认识的人,一般称呼为敬词 尊称。例如,dear sir or madam 或者 to whom it may concern 需注意每个单词首字母都大写 2 如果是写给关系正式的某团体或个人,称呼为敬词 尊称 名。例如,dear mr.xx...