中考英语作文佳句素材 命运

发布 2021-02-21 04:47:28 阅读 8831


when we are going through a hard time in life, how many of us blame “destiny”? though a few things like birth are controlled by destiny, we still can change destiny when it comes to hard times, opportunities or challenges. even when we are going through the most difficult period of our life, we can change it by hard work.

1. when we are going through a hard time in life, how many of us blame “destiny”?

2. though a few things like birth are controlled by destiny, we still can change destiny when it comes to hard times, opportunities or challenges.

3. even when we are going through the most difficult period of our life, we can change it by hard work.





中考英语作文佳句素材 命运

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