
发布 2021-02-20 09:15:28 阅读 2283





1、 摘蔬菜,给植物浇水;

2、 7点校门口集合,乘车前往;

3、 体验农场生活,活动约2小时;

4、 相互关照,注意安全;

5、 补充一至两点有关事项。

注意:1、 词数:60—80;

2、 不要逐条翻译,内容要连贯;

3、 通知的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:experience v. 体验 pick v. 摘 activity n. 活动。

fellow students,our class are going to green farm this friday morning

thank you for your attention.

范文:fellow students,our class are going to green farm this friday morning, would you like to experience farm life? we can pick some vegetables and water the plants.

we’ll stay there for about 2 hours. i bet the meaningful activity will make the trip unforgettable. we’ll meet at 7 am at the school gate and take a bus there.

remember, always be with your classmates, help each other, and never do anything that may hurt you. by the way, you’d better wear your sports shoes. h**e a good time.

thank you for your attention.




1. 星期天早上8:30在校门口集合,乘公共汽车前往;

2. 给老人们赠送班级礼物;

3. 打扫卫生,整理房间;

4. 唱歌、跳舞、讲故事、聊天,给老人们带去快乐;

5. 活动很有意义,希望积极参与;


参考词汇:tidy v. 整理;meaningful adj. 有意义的。

fellow students,we will pay a visit to the old people’s home this sunday

范文:fellow students,we will pay a visit to the old people’s home this sunday. we’ll h**e to meet at the school gate at 8:

30 on sunday morning and then go there by bus. there we will do some cleaning and tidy the rooms. after that we will h**e many activities, such as singing, dancing, telling stories and chatting to cheer up the old.

before we le**e, we’ll give our presents to them.

i hope all of us can take an active part. through the meaningful activity, we can learn to care for the old.


假如上周日你参加了长江社区的yard sale活动。请给你们学校校刊上的english club栏目写一篇关于此次活动的介绍。








参考词汇:changjiang community n.长江社区; exchange v. 交换; used adj 旧的。

范文:it was fine last sunday. i went to the yard sale in changjiang community.

more than 200 people took part in the activity .some people sold used things such as bikes, toys, and clothes. others sold cakes, cards and bookmarks made by themselves.

used books could be exchanged in the yard, too. i enjoyed myself there. in my opinion, it was a very good activity.

we can not only make full use of used things, but also protect our environment in this way.


假设你是li ming,目前在英国参加homestay夏令营,住在家。现在,你需要完成培训老师布置的作业:用英语描述你的房东或房东太太。








参考词汇:friendly adj.友善的; culture n.文化; get along with 与……相处

范文:my hostess is she is a middle-aged housewife with blonde hair. i really like this outgoing woman.

we get along well with each other. she always takes care of my daily life. she cooks and washes clothes for makes me feel like at home.

what’s more, she is very interested in chinese history and culture. so she often reads books about china. she hopes to visit china one day.


假设你是li ming,请给你的美国笔友tom 写一封 e—mail,介绍你的英语老师mr. lee。

要点如下:1. 他40岁,有一个幸福的家;

2. 性格外向,与学生相处很好;

3. 他的课堂很有趣,课后常帮我们学英语;

4. 不抽烟,非常喜欢运动,擅长下棋;

5. 写一至两点其他同学对他的看法。


2. 文中不要提及真实的校名和人名。

参考词汇:outgoing adj. 外向的; smoke v. 吸烟; chess n. 棋。

dear tom,how are you recently? now i’ll tell you something about my english teacher mr. lee.

i’m lokking forward to your reply.

yours,li ming

范文:dear tom,how are you recently? now i’ll tell you something about my english teacher mr.


mr. lee is forty years old. he has a happy family.

he’s outgoing and gets along well with us students. his classes are very interesting. after class, he often helps us with our english.

he never smokes. he likes sports. he is especially good at playing chess.

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