
发布 2021-02-20 07:04:28 阅读 9373

not only did i know her, but i was her best friend.我不仅认识她,还是她最好的朋友。

only...but (also):不但。而且。

例如:there is not only logic to this argument but precedent, too.(这不仅在逻辑上有过争议,而且也有过先例。)

these not only help in presentation but also help orient users.(这不仅有助于表达,而且可以帮助使用者在创建时更好地定位。)

i believe i h**en't reached the summit of my career.我相信我还没有达到事业的巅峰。


例如:it's an hour's climb to the summit.(到顶峰有一小时的攀登路程。)

she is now at the summit of her career.(她现在正处在事业的顶峰。)

it doesn't matter whether you get there early or late.你早到晚到都没有关系。

1. whether...or...或者。或者。

例如:he was debating whether to go for a walk or to visit a friend.(他在考虑去散步或者去访友。)

the study does not say whether the problems are increasing or decreasing.(这项调查结果并没有说明这样的状况是否得到了改善或者正在进一步恶化。)

it's against the rules to handle the ball in soccer.在足球中以手触球就是犯规。


例如:gelignite is dangerous stuff to handle.(葛里炸药是不可随便触碰的危险材料。)

are you really the only one who can handle the matter?(难道非你去处理这件事不成?)

the nurse assisted the doctor in the operating room.**在手术室协助医生动手术。


例如:do you need anybody to assist you in your work?(你需要人帮助你工作吗?)

good glasses will assist you to read.(好的眼镜能有助于你阅读。)

medical care helps to keep people alive longer.医疗保健使人们活得更长久。

保持。例如:learn to say the right thing at the right time.(学会在适当的时候说适当的话。)

i 'd like to say the right thing, but i cannot. (我很想说些适当的话,但我不能!)

i forgot to prepare the speech i'm supposed to give today.我忘了准备今天要做的演讲了。


例如:don' t prepare anything for me tonight, i shall be dining out.(今晚不必为我们准备饭了,我要在外面吃饭。)

hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.(抱最好的愿望,作最坏的准备。)

the rabbit ran to the woods and didn't come back any more.兔子跑进了森林再也没有出来。


例如:he didn't come back until the sun had set.(他直到太阳落山以后才回来。)

but his lost youth did not come back to him.(但他那失去的青春并未返回。)


龍山國中96學年度十一月份英語每日一句。longshan junior high school calendar phrases november 週次week 日期date 英語每日一句calendar phrases 中文意思chinese 聚精會神地聽。不打斷 談話 目光接觸。the art ...


learning english every day.all the credit goes to you.这完全都得归功于您呀!今天的几个句子是有关表扬的 1 i got a promotion today.今天我被提升了。2 my teacher praised me today.今天老师表扬我...


all the credit goes to you.这完全都得归功于您呀!i got a promotion today.今天我被提升了。my teacher praised me today.今天老师表扬我了。what a nice dress 多漂亮的裙子呀!you deserve all t...