2019高考英语作文 常用到的名人名言

发布 2021-02-20 01:53:28 阅读 4707



the best of our opportunities is the stream of time.2、如果不想在世界上虚度一生,那就要学习一辈子。——高尔基ifyoudon'twanttowastedlifeintheworld,thatisaboutto study for a lifetime.

3、时间,就象海棉里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。──鲁迅time, just like the water in sponge, as long as willing tosqueeze, always some.


that the wisdom of the head, like the spark in the flint,don't go to play it is not out.


if youth is a kind of defect, it is also our fast will loseits defects.6、一个没有受到献身精神所鼓舞的人,永远不会做出什么伟大的事情来。——车尔尼雪夫斯基amanwithoutinspiredbywhatdedication,neverdoanythinggreat.

7、谁要游戏人生,他就一事无成,谁不能主宰自己,永远是一个奴隶。——歌德whoisgoingtothegameoflife,hedoesnothing,whocannotcontrol themselves, is always a sl**e.


who give me a drop of water, and i will reward him acrossthe sea.

9、要在座的人都停止了说话的时候,有了机会,方才可以谦逊地把问题提出,向人学习。——约翰·洛克topresentpeoplestoppedtalking,hadtheopportunity,justcan humbly put forward the question and learn from people.10、一切幸运都并非没有烦恼,而一切厄运也决非米有希望。


allluckyisnotwithoutworry,norisitmhopefulandallbad luck.


1.有志者,事竟成。nothingisimpossibletoawillingheart way。

2.千里之行,始于足下。the longest journey begins with thefirst step。

3.积少成多。every little helps。

4.满招损,谦受益。pride hurts,modesty benefits。

5.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。nothing is to be got withoutpain but poverty。

6.伟业非一日之功/冰冻三尺非一日之寒。romewasnotbuiltina day。

7.一寸光阴一寸金,寸今难买寸光阴。lostyearsareworsethanlost dollars。

8.自助者天助。god helps those who help themselves。

9.欲速则不达。more haste,less speed。

10.台上一分钟,台下十年功。oneminuteonthestageneedstenyears practice off stage。

11.好的开端是成功的一半。well begun is half done。12.酒好不怕巷子深。good wine needs no bush。

13.成功源于勤奋。industry is the parent of success。

14.英雄所见略同。great minds think alike。

15.熟能生巧。practice makes perfect。

16.静水流深。still waters run deep。

17.滴水穿石。little stone fell great oaks。

18.前事不忘,后事之师。the remembrance of the past is theteacher of the future。

19.君子之交淡如水。a hedge between keeps friendship green。



1、actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。

2. a friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真朋友。

3. a good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。

4. where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

5. all roads lead to rome.条条大道通罗马。

6. easier said than done.说起来容易,做起来难。7. easy come, easy go.来得快,去得快。

8. every man has his weak side.人人都有缺点。

9. failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。10. look before you leap.三思而后行。

11. nothing in the world is difficult if you set your mindto it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。

12. a life without a friend is a life without a sun.人若无友,就如同生命中没有太阳。

things are difficult before they are easy.万事开头难。

14. always prepare for a rainy day.未雨绸缪。

15. as you sow, so shall you reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。


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