
发布 2021-02-20 01:05:28 阅读 9692



1.请检查(check on)明天的车是否落实,提醒司机(remind sb. of sth.提醒某人做某事)。






read this telephone conversation:

lucia: i'm so glad you called me today. i h**e a big problem i hope you can help me with.

clara: what's the problem? i'll help if i can.

lucia: my cousin is coming home tonight from his trip to europe and i'm supposed to pick him up at the airport at seven.

clara: oh? is your car giving you trouble again?

lucia: no. i just found out i h**e to work late tonight.

can you possibly pick him up for me?

clara: sure. what airline is he coming in on?

lucia: pan am. flight 607.

clara: ok. but how will i recognize him?

lucia: well, he's medium height. and **erage weigh.

he wears glasses, and he dresses very well.

clara: that could be almost everyone. can you be more specific?

lucia: well, his hair is blond and curly. i almost forget! he has a beard.

clara: what's his name?

lucia: ernic norton.

clara: okay, not problem. i'll find him.

lucia: thank you so much!

at the last minute, clara was unable to get to the airport. she wrote her brother, tom, a note describing ernic so that he would be able to find him. what did clara's note say?

假定有一批外宾要在中国过春节(spring festival),他们很想了解关于我国春节的一些情况,请你根据下列要点写一篇短文,以作介绍。字数100-130。

要点:(1) 春节就是中国的新年,一般在二月份。

(2) 中国的年份是按12生肖命名的,如狗年、猴年等。今年是鸡年。


高一作文训练系列 青年时期。青年时期是我们的财富,而这种财富不象别的财富而是那种你不捕获你不爱惜它便会从你身边遛走的那种,所以要捕获这种财富,年月是不饶人啊!今日你仍然满头黑发,不过下一天或许你就是满头白头那时你是否才真正清楚青年时期不可以永驻。所以我们应当爱惜我们的青年时期,利用好我们的青年时期,...


高一语文作文训练 3 目标 学会选择和使用论据。1 论据的选择要紧扣论点。论据必须与论点统一,与论点有密切关系。运用论据过程中切忌出现与证明论点无关的内容。有同学在论证 学贵有恒 观点,写了这样一个段落,请思考有没有问题?居里夫人在法国读书时每天早晨总是第一个来到教室 每天晚上几乎都在图书馆度过。图...


高一语文作文训练 3 目标 学会选择和使用论据。1 论据的选择要紧扣论点。论据必须与论点统一,与论点有密切关系。运用论据过程中切忌出现与证明论点无关的内容。有同学在论证 学贵有恒 观点,写了这样一个段落,请思考有没有问题?居里夫人在法国读书时每天早晨总是第一个来到教室 每天晚上几乎都在图书馆度过。图...