
发布 2021-02-19 21:15:28 阅读 6487


1对。。。有耐心be patient with

2.。。的秘密the secret to

3在词典,参考书中查询,查阅look up

4天生具有be born with

5注意,关注pay attention to

6把。。和。。。联系起来connect with

7增加体重,发胖put on

8 摆开,布置lay out

9最终成为,最后处于end up

10母亲节mother’s day

11建议做某事suggest doing sth /suggest that sb should do sth/advise sb to do sth

12路过,经过pass by =go past

13抱歉,对不起;什么,再说一遍 pardon me

14停车场parking lot

15时常,有时from time to time

16应对,处理deal with=do with

17公开地,在别人面前in public

18寄宿学校boarding school

19亲身,亲自in person

20为。。。感到骄傲,自豪take pride in=be proud of

22大声地读read aloud

23犯语法方面的错误make mistakes in grammar

24捉弄某人play a trick on sb

25父亲节father’s day

26中秋节mid-autumn festival

27敢于做某事dare to do sth

28对。。。有影响h**e an influence on

缺席,不在be absent from

29以。。。闻名be known/famous for

作为。。。而出名be known/famous as

为。。。熟知be knownamous to

30不论,无论no matter

31避免做某事**oid doing

23剪纸***** cutting

33避免做某事**oid doing sth

34非常愿意(乐于接受别人的请求) with pleasure

是我的荣幸(用于别人谢意的客气回答) it’s my/a pleasure

35有道理h**e a point

36偶然,意外地by accident

37发生,出现take place

38毫无疑问without doubt

39把。。。翻译成translate into

40突然,猛地all of a sudden=suddenly

41错误地,无意中by mistake


43不但。。。而且。。not only….but also

44钦佩,仰慕look up to

45穿耳洞get /h**e ears pierced

修车get/h**e the car repaired

剪头发get/h**e the hair cut

46和某人顶嘴talk back to sb

47后悔过了某事regret doing sth

很遗憾的做某事regret to do sth

48避免接近,远离keep away from

49自己做决定make one’s own decision

50设法做成某事manage to do sth

51挡。。。的路,妨碍get/be in the way of

52追逐,追赶run after

53同时,一起at the same time

54阻止某人做某事prevent/stop/keep sb from doing sth

55比起作某事更喜欢做某事prefer doing sth to doing sth

56宁愿做某事而不做某事prefer to do rather than do =would rather do than do

57既然那样,即使那样的话in that case

58坚持,固守stick to (doing)

59大量,充足plenty of

60关闭,停止运转shut off

61偶尔地,间或once in a while

62总共,合计in total

63顺便拜访drop by

64毕竟,终归after all

65大动肝火,气愤get mad

66做出努力make an effort to do sth

67把。。。擦掉clean off

68脱下,起飞take off

69值得做某事be worth doing sth

70特地,格外努力go out of one’s way(to do sth )

71使某人感到宾至如归make….feel at home

72习惯于get/be used to doing

73一条建议a suggestion/a piece of advice

74宁愿would rather do

75使人发疯、发狂drive sb crazy/mad

76越。。。越the more….the more

77成为某人的朋友be friends with

78忽略,不提及le**e out

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