
发布 2021-02-10 10:27:28 阅读 3344


1. 其他的 other +n. (复数)

其他人/物 others= other +n. (复数)

又一个 another +n.(单数)

another +数量+ n. (复数)= 数量+more+ n. (复数)

(两部分中的)另一个 the other + n.

2. both a and b a和b两者都……(谓语动词用复数)

either a or b 要么a, 要么b……(谓语动词就近原则,看b)

neither a nor b a和b两者都不……(谓语动词就近原则,看b)

not only a but also b 不仅a,而且b也……(谓语动词就近原则,看b)

3. used 的用法。

used to do曾经,过去常常……

be used to do 被用来……

be used for doing 被用来……

be/get used to doing 习惯于……

4. 关于“制作”

在……制造be made in

由……制造be made by

用……制造(物理变化be made of

用……制造(化学变化be made from

5. 各种“花”

● sb spend 时间 (in) doing sth.

= it takes/took sb. 时间 to do sth.

● sb spend 金钱 on sth.

sth. cost/costs sb. 金钱。

it cost sb. 金钱 to buy sth.

sb. pay 金钱 for sth.


in order to + do

in order that +从句。

so that +从句。

so… that… 太……以至于。

(no) difficulty doing sth.

trouble doing sth.

problems doing sth.

fun doing sth.

time to do sth.

chance to do sth.

8. can’t stand doing 无法忍受……

can’t help doing 忍不住……

can’t help (to) do 不能帮助做某事。

can’t wait to do 等不及做某事。

can’t afford to buy 买不起。

9. to 作为介词的词组(后接名词或动词ing)

make a contribution to 为……做贡献。

pay attention to注意。

look forward to期待。

stick to坚持。

according to根据。

thanks to多亏了。

be/get used to习惯于。

10. 据……

it is said that据说。

it is reported that… 据报道。

it is well-known that… 众所周知。

11. 应该。

be supposed to do

ought to do

should do

had better do

12. succeed in doing

be successful in doing

h**e success in doing

13.●后加ing 的动词。

consider, **oid, miss, keep/keepon, practice, finish, enjoy, imagine

后加to do 的动词。

afford, begin, choose, fail, hope, need, plan, refuse, try, want, wish, agree

后加sb. to do 的动词。

ask, tell, allow, advise, encourage, order, force, lead, warn, require,

want, expect, would like, invite, get

后接to do, doing有区别。

remember/forget to do sth. 记住/忘记要做某事。

remember/forget doing sth. 记住/忘记曾经做过某事。

stop to do sth停下来去做某事。

stop doing sth停下来正在做的事情。

make/ let sb. do

be made to do

● see/hear sb. do/doing sth.

14. different 不同的形容词。

differently 不同地副词。

difference 不同之处名词(可数)

difficult 困难的形容词。

difficulty 困难名词。

15. pronounce v.

pronunciation n.

16. success n.

successful adj.

successfully adv.

17. die v. dead adj. death n.

18. breathe v. breath n.

19. though / although 尽管。



20. composition作文 competition比赛 communication 交流 complete 完成(v.)

conversation 对话 contribution 贡献 conference 会议。

21. except 除了…… expect 期待

besides 除了……还 beside 在……旁边。


unit 1 topic1

1. 很高兴做某事be happy to do sth.

2. 从…回来come back from

3. 发生take place

4. 一个适合拍照的地方a proper place to take photos

5. 顺便说by the way

6. 从…学到很多learn a lot from

7. 有/没有时间做某事h**e (no) time to do sth.

8. 在过去in the past

9. 过着艰苦的生活h**e a hard life

10. 详细地描述describe it in detail

11. 负担得起孩子的学费afford an education for their children

12. 养家糊口support one’s family

13. 童工child laborers

14. 日日夜夜day and night

15. 给…帮助give support to

16. 受到良好的教育get a good education

17. 随着…的发展with the development of

18. 亲眼所见see sth. oneself

19. 生活条件living conditions

20. 拥挤be crowded into

21. 有/没有机会做某事h**e the(no) chance to do sth.


u6词组。a with b配对a和太空冒险 astronaut一个宇航员 rocket一个火箭。space telescope一个太空望远镜 comet一个彗星。planet另一个星球 in trouble处于麻烦中 fun享乐。repair a cage修理一个笼子。抓住be caught in ...


aa few 少量的数目 少数的。a glass of 一杯。a kind of 一种,一类。a little 少量 稍许。a lot of 许多,大量。a number of 许多 大量的。a pair of 一对的 一双的。a piece of 一块 张,片,根 a set of 一组 一套。a...


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