
发布 2020-01-09 22:15:28 阅读 8744

unit 7词组。


a speed of以…速度 second每秒。


moon goes around the earth.地球绕着太阳转。 no weight没有重量。

from = run away from从…逃跑。

killed被杀be hurt受伤be tricked被愚弄 supper晚饭后。

down on his bed (lie-lay-lain)躺在他的床上(过去式-过去分词) in = be located in位于。

a lie(反)tell the truthlie-lied-lied说谎(过去式-过去分词) =at once = right now = right away立即 to snore开始打呼。

the c**e (shake-shook-shaken)使山洞颤抖(过去式-过去分词) asleep (fall-fell-fallen)入睡(过去式-过去分词)

feel sleepy (feel-felt-felt)犯困(过去式-过去分词) small, powerful laser torch我的小的有力的手电筒 a plastic case(n.) plastics在一个塑料盒里。

pullattractive (adj.)–attraction (n.)吸(adj.

) n.) attractions= places of interest旅游胜地 the bars融化钢块。

sth to do sth = use sth for doing sth用…去做…

used to do被用来be used to doing习惯于used to do过去常常 (n.)打断 you brain.用用你的大脑。

too weak to open the door. (反) later = after a while一会儿以后 out of the cage在笼子的外面 over to the bed走到床边。

beside gork’shead站在gork的头旁 (反) quietly响亮的(反)

up (wake-woke-waken)醒来(过去式-过去分词) the torch at his eye把激光对准他的眼睛 the button按下按钮。

laser beam hit gork in the eye. (hit-hit-hit)激光束伤了gork的眼睛 wrong? =what’s the matter?

=what’s the trouble?有什么困难?

noise brought the kangaroos running into the room.吵闹声让袋鼠们跑着进入。

了房间里。 at对…喊。

attacked me. nobody damaged my eye.没人攻击我。

没人伤害我的眼睛。 at / laughter (n.)嘲笑(n.

) a bad dream做了个噩梦。

back to bed回床上。

among my kangaroos (hide-hid-hidden)藏在我的袋鼠中(过去式-过去分词) will get you. =i will catch you.我会抓住你的。

finished. =you’re done for.你完蛋了。

the c**e door a little把山洞的门开了一点点。

his kangaroos to go out one by one告诉他的袋鼠们一个接一个出去 through the door跳着穿过门。

their backs with his hands用手去摸他们的背 sure确保。

on them骑在他们上面。

is certain that…/ i am true/certain…这是肯定的是… =say quietly = say in a whisper轻声说。


into the giant kangaroo’s pocket爬进袋鼠的口袋里 few moments later一会儿以后。

through the door to freedom / adj.) free穿过门得到自由(adj.) free = be free= get the freedom得到自由 to our spaceship回到宇宙飞船上。

to the safety of the earth回到安全的地球 happen to sb…发生在…上 = perhaps可能 then就在那时。

huge figure一个大人影。

silently towards the captain’s house静静的移到captain的家旁 (adv.) silent (adj.) silence (n.



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