
发布 2021-02-10 00:29:28 阅读 9540

● 旅游实用英语/泰语:

机场:登机口 gate; departure gate

候机室 departure lounge

航班号 flt no (flight number)

出站(出港、离开) departures

登机手续办理 check-in

登机牌 boarding pass (card)

行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim

行李牌 luggage tag

出入境:姓 family name

名 first (given) name

性别 sex

男 male

女 female

国籍 nationality

国籍 country of citizenship

护照号 passport no.

原住地 country of origin (country where you live)

前往目的地国 destination country

登机城市 city where you boarded

签证签发地 city where visa was issued

签发日期 date issue

前往国家的住址 address while in

街道及门牌号 number and street

城市及国家 city and state

出生日期 date of birth (birthdate)

年 year

月 month

日 day

偕行人数 accompanying number

职业 occupation

专业技术人员 professionals & technical

行政管理人员 legislators &administrators

办事员 clerk

商业人员 commerce (business people)

服务人员 service

农民 farmer

工人 worker

其他 others

无业 jobless

签名 signature

官方填写 official use only

excuse me, how do i get to the请问如何前往 ¨

excuse me, is there ..near by? 请问附近有没有 ..


i made a reservation in ****ei.


i'd like a quiet room.


would you fill in this registration form?


where is the dining[ai]room?


what time can i h**e breakfast?

寄存行李。deposit luggage


may i h**e a menu,please?


do you h**e a menu in chinese?


what kind of wine/beer do you h**e?


may i order,please?


can i h**e the same dish as that?

兑换货币:please tell me how much you want to change.


what kind of currency do you want?


in what denominations?


please tell me what note you want.


will seven tens be all right?


would you please give me seven five-pound notes, four pound notes and four ten-shilling notes, and the rest in small change.


i'd like to know if you could change this money back into dollars for me.


five twenties and ten singles, please.


could you give me some small notes?


currency, money 货币。

money changing 兑换货币。

an exchange form 兑换单。

bank note 钞票。

note of large denomination 大票。

note of small denomination 小票。

small change 零钱。

支付小费:would you take a picture for us? 您能给我们照张相吗?

will you take a picture of us? 能和我一起照张相吗?

how can i get to the bathroom? 洗手间在哪儿?

砍价。can you give me this for cheaper?

how much do you want for this?

if you don't give me a better price. i won' buy this.

what's the lowest you're willing to go? 最便宜你能卖多少?

can you cut me a deal?商场问能便宜些吗?

can i pay by credit card?


1. 托运行李。

2. 飞行过程中的英语。

3. 在境外转机。

4. 抵达目的地,入关。

5. 从目的地返回时过安检。

1. 托运行李。


how many luggages are you checking in? (有多少件托运行李?)

do you h**e a carry on? (有手提行李没?)

can you place your baggage up here? (请把行李放上来(传送带/小盒子))


do you prefer window or aisle? (想靠窗还是靠走廊)如果对方不问你,但是你想找个靠窗座位,可以说。

can i h**e a seat closest to the window?


here are your tickets. the gate number is on the bottom of the ticket.

they will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. you should report to gate c2 by then.

c2 is around the corner and down the hall. thank you."

如果你行李超重,对方会说 your luggage is overweight. 以上问题回答都是yes, no的就不写了。

2. 飞行过程中的英语。


chicken please 一切ok. 如果想要东西时,句型很简单,就是。

excuse me, could i h**e a cup of orange juice, please 这种。

如果冷想多要一个毯子可以说 could i get another blanket, please, i'm a little cold.


could you lend me a pen to fill out this immigration [,m'gren]入境 form?

如果要找个人换座,可以说:would it be possible to change seats with someone?

如果有人坐在你椅子上了,可以说: i'm sorry, i think you are in my seat.


please fasten your seat belt (请系紧安全带)这类。3. 在境外转机。

转机时,先看机票上的航班号,然后从机场的航班指示屏幕上找到该航班在那个gate登机,最后顺着机场标示走到这个gate就好,不需要说话。但特殊情况可能是,你到了后,发现屏幕上有你要转的航班号,但是后面的gate是空的,这时候你可以向机场工作人员确认下 hello, could you tell me which gate is for the flight xxx(航班号) please, 一般他们都会回答这个飞机delay了,或者在maintain , 需要再等待一下。

4. 抵达目的地,入关。


海关:where did you fly from? 或者 where h**e you come from?

你:from china


may i h**e your passport and sth, please?)

海关:what is the purpose of your visit?

你: tr**el. (如果是探亲,就是 i'm visiting my relatives.)

海关:how long are you planning to stay?

你:two weeks.

海关:where will you be staying?

你:i'll be staying at a hotel。

5. 从目的地返回时过安检(托运那块和开始是一样的)


take off your belt / take your shoes off. 什么的。


你: hello, could i get one ticket to london, please (买张到伦敦的票)

也可以指定时间,再加上 for the 5:00 pm train | 另外买东西时一般就是用could i h**e/get,或者i'd like to buy...

对方:single or return? (单程往返)

你:return, please.

对方:64 pounds, please. (假设在英国)

你:here you are.

对方:here's your ticket and change.

你:thank you.

如果你有优惠卡,比如在英国年轻人可以使用young person card,说第一句话时直接递给他就成,对方会直接告诉你优惠后的**地。

另外,如果你要去london, 但是火车不是直达的,他会告诉你: you h**e to change trains at birmingham.(你必须在伯明翰转车) ,如果你自己想问要不要换车,则是do i h**e to change trains?

如果是火车票的话,对方还可能会告诉你你的train will le**e from platform 3(你的火车在几号站台)

如果你不确定是不是你要下车的站,可以从旁边抓个人问 excuse me, i am going to xx , should i get off at this station?


1.旅行实用词汇。国际班机international flight国内domestic flight来回机票round trip ticket单程one way ticket 商务客舱business class头等first class经济economy class使用中occupied空闲vac...


situational dialogues 1 情景对话1 waiter good morning,sir.服务员 早上好,先生。customer good morning.how is it going?顾客 早上好。你好吗?w thank you,sir.i m very fine.did yo...


12.酒店用语15 13.餐馆用语22 14.观光用语27 15.购物用语31 16.紧急情况用语37 出国旅游英语。1.问候 感谢 交际 询问 good morning 早晨好!i don t know 我不知道 hello 你好!i can t speak english 我不懂英文 good ...