
发布 2021-02-10 00:18:28 阅读 5423

a: i want to go to the airport? 我想去机场。

b: yes, get in, please! 行,上车吧。

a: could you speak english? 您会说英语吗?

b: i can speak a little english. 我会讲一点点。

a: could you understand me? 您明白我说的意思吗?

b: sorry, i don’t understand you, will you speak slowly? 不好意思,我还不明白,请您说慢一点。

a: what’s the time now? 请问几点了?

b: it’s nine o’clock .九点了。

a: how long are you going to stay in wuhan? 您在武汉呆多久?

b: i will stay in wuhan for six days. 我在武汉要停留六天。

a: what day is it today? 今天星期几?

b: it’s monday. (tuesday\ wednesday\ thursday\ friday\ saturday\ sunday) 今天星期一。


a: i want to go to the qinchuan hotel? 我要去晴川阁饭店。

b: sorry, i don’t know the way to that place. 对不起,我不知道那个地方怎么走。

a: please wait for me. i want to go somewhere else. 请等我一下。我还要去其它的地方。

b: sure. 行。

a: how much shall i pay? 我要付多少钱?

b: you should pay 50 yuan6jiao, sir. 五十块六角,先生。

a: could you drive faster? 您能再开快一点吗?

b: sorry, i can’t. 不好意思,不行。

p: hi! taxi! 喂!出租车!

d: good morning! welcome towuhan. where’re you going? 早上好!欢迎来到武汉。您去哪儿?

p: the yellow crane tower. 黄鹤楼。

d: ok, get in, please! 好。请上车!

d: excuse me. are you wang ling? 对不起,您是不是王玲?

p: yes, i’m. 是,我是。

d: your car is waiting at the gate. follow me, please! 您要的车已在门口等。请跟我来。

p: just a moment, please. i h**e two suitcases with me over there.请等一下。那边还有我的两只箱子。

d: can i help you? 需要我帮忙吗?

p: yes, please. can i put my luggage in the trunk? 好的,请帮我一下。我可以把行李放在车后厢吗?

d: of course. 当然可以。

p: thank you. 谢谢!

d: i’m afraid we are in a traffic jam. 恐怕我们堵车了。

p: how long will we be held up? 我们大概要堵多长时间。

d: i’m not sure. 我不能肯定。

p: how long will it take to walk there? 步行去那儿有多远?

d: it’s too far to walk. shall we take another road? 步行去太远了。我们改道走行吗?

p: good! 太好了!

d: hold the belt, please. i’m ****** a turn now. 请系好安全带,我要拐弯了。

d: here we are. 我们到了。

p: how much is it? 多少钱?

d: that’s seventy yuan. 七十块。

p: here is a hundred yuan and keep the change. 这是一百元,不用找了。

d: we are not allowed to accept tips. take your change and receipt, please!


d: what a nice day! do you want some music? 今天天气真好!您要听**吗?

p: that’s great! but do you mind closing the air conditioning? 好极了。不过,你是否介意把空调关了?

d: of course not. 当然不。

p: excuse me. i’d like to wash my hands.

could you stop at the nearest toilet? 对不起。我想洗手。


d: ok. \all right! 可以。


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