tipsintroduce yourself with name and title.
shake hands。
握手。express happiness to meet the other person.
give or accept directions.
please h**e a seat。请坐。
thanks for agreeing to meet with me.
he'll be right with you.
can i offer you something to drink?
my pleasure.
pair practice
a: hello. i'm mia conners.
a: 您好,我是mia conners。
b: hi mia. i'm d**id sinclair, and this is my partner gina evans. (hold out hand to shake)
b: 您好,mia。我是d**id sinclair,这是我的搭档gina evans。(握手)
a: nice to meet you mr. sinclair and ms evans.
thank you for taking the time to meet with me today.
a: 您好,sinclair先生。您好,evans女士。谢谢你们今天抽出时间与我会面。
b: it's our pleasure. and please, call us d**id and gina. can i take your coat?
b: 这是我们应该做的。另外,叫我们d**id和gina就可以了。需要我帮您拿外套吗?
a: thank you.
a: 谢谢。
b: no problem. please take a seat and we'll be right with you.
b: 没事。请稍坐片刻,我们马上就过来。
w: hello, let me introduce myself. my name is wang jufeng.
s: pleased to meet you. i'm geoff snowdon. i h**en't seen you around before.
w: no. i've just started work for ibm. i'm in the sales department.
s: what do you do there?
w: oh, i'm on the market research side. and you?
s: well, i've been with ibm for years. i'm mr.
field's personal assistant. he is the after sale service director.
w: ah, i h**en't met him. is he at the party here?
s: yes, that's him. let me introduce you.
let's call the meeting to order.
let's get things under way.
let's get things started.
shall we begin?
well, ladies and gentlemen, i think we should begin.
perhaps we'd better get started / down to business.
all right, i think it's about time we get started / going.
right then, i think we should begin.
let's begin /get going, shall we?
shall we start?
let me bring your attention to (what i see as) the main issues.
let's focus on the main issues.
let me tell you what i believe to be the main issues.
allow me to set out the main issues for you.
to address this issue, i'd like to call on...
to discuss this matter, i'd like to call on...
to shed some light on this, i'd like to call on...
to provide us with more detail, i'd like to call on...
i can't really recall; i'll h**e to get back to you on that.
i can't quite remember; i'll need to do a little checking and get back to you.
i can't fully remember; i'll h**e to check up on it.
i can't recall all the facts; i'll h**e to get back to you.
would anyone like to add anything to (what i've said)?
would anyone care to comment?
would anyone like to give their ideas on this?
would anyone care to add their thoughts (to the discussion)?
what are your views on...
what are your feelings about...
what are your feelings on this?
what do you think about...
what's your opinion about that?
any reaction to that?
has anybody any strong feelings about/ views on that?
what's the general view on/ feeling about that?
has anybody any comments to make?
you know mark?
don't think you met d**id, h**e you?
do you know each other?
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