英语口语话题之 问路

发布 2021-02-09 11:44:28 阅读 5518


词汇超市。get to 到达。

way n. 路。

walk v. 走。

nearest adj. 最近的。

crossroad n. 十字路口。

重点句型。where is……?在哪。

can you tell me the way to the……?你能告诉我去……的路吗?

which is the way to……?哪条路是去……的?

how can i get to the……?我怎样才能到……?

情景示例。dialogue 1

stranger:hello,boys,could you tell me the way to the new york bank?

jia ming:oh,i am not from here.

dick:let me tell straight to the end of the make a left tern,and walk along the south you see a crossroad, you will see the bank across the street.

got it. thank you.

dick:that’s all luckbank

stranger:thank you. bye !

dialogue 2

john:excuse me ,sir. could you tell me how i can get to the nearest hospital?

i am in a hurry. my boy is sick.

stranger:ok, no that tower there? first go there.

when you get there, walk straight to the west. you will see the hospital next to the post office.

john:it is very far from here?

stranger:no, sir. you can get there in ten minutes.

john: ok, i’ve got a lot.

stranger:that’s ok. be careful.

dialogue 3

一、填空:john:excuse can i get to the shopping centre ?


policeman: oh,well. go straight and turn right.

you can see the shopping centre there.

john:how far is it from here?


oh, it’s about six or seven minutes’ walk.

john: thank you very much.

policeman: that’s all right.


ahowthe guang ming cinema?

b:gothis roadright on the second will find it.

a: the second crossing, turn right. i seevery much.

b: it’s my pleasure.





答案。7、将铁钉的一部分浸入硫酸铜溶液中,有什么现象?过一会儿,取出铁钉,我们又观察到了什么现象?(p36) me i get to the 5. thank you



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