
发布 2019-12-27 18:01:28 阅读 1531

kelly:not at all. what would you like to ee firt凯莉:

不客气。你想先看的吗joy :ireally don"t know.


kelly:let" walk around the lake firt, hall we凯莉:让我们漫步于湖第一,好吗joy:

ye,that would be lovely.乔伊:是的,那将是可爱的。

kelly:i will take you to li river after walking around here.凯莉:我将带你去漓江在这里走。

joy :that" wonderful ! i h**e heard the cene of li river i beautifull乔伊:

好极了!我听说过漓江的场景是美丽kelly :ye , you"ll be in a different world there.


d**id: let me tell you. firt you mut buy a ticket.大卫:让我告诉你。首先你必须买一张票。

sam :ye, i know.山姆:是的,我知道。

d**id:then you mut go to the airport.大卫:那么你必须去机场。

sam :i that all山姆:就这些吗d**id :

not yet. liten to me. don"t forget to take yourid card with you.



sam :what" an id card山姆:什么是身份证吗d**id :something iike a paport.大卫:一些要一张护照。

sam :can i board the plane now山姆:我可以登机吗d**id :

no, you alo need aboarding pa.大卫:不,你还需要一个登机牌。

sam :thank you. now i know how to tr**el by air.山姆:谢谢你。现在我知道如何坐飞机旅行。

小学英语口语对话范文3 sam:oh, oh! are you hurt山姆:

哦,哦!你受伤了吗john:idon"t think o.

i"m jut haken up a little.约翰:我不这么认为。


sam:maybe i"d better call an ambulance.山姆:也许我最好叫辆救护车。

john:no, don"t bother. i think i"m ok.约翰:不,别打扰。我认为我很好。


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