
发布 2021-02-08 15:16:28 阅读 8263


1·诗歌:mountain lion


3·诗歌:to daffodils

4·诗歌:deaths of flowers

5·诗歌:the darkling thrush

6·诗歌:to the cuckoo

7·诗歌:the flight of youth 青春的飞逝

8·诗歌:love 爱情

9·诗歌:the rainy day 雨天

10·诗歌:virtue 美德

11·诗歌:for the union dead-robert lowell

12·诗歌:spring and all (excerpts)


14·诗歌:love songs in age

15·诗歌:to waken an old lady

16·诗歌:the folly of being comforted

17·诗歌:love in the lab

18·诗歌:from song of myself

19·诗歌:the wild swans at coole

20·诗歌:the thought fox

21·诗歌:releasing the past 往事如烟

22·诗歌:summer 浪漫夏日

23·诗歌:a celebration of the uniqueness of you! 你的庆祝日

24·诗歌:make room for happiness 为快乐腾点空间

25·诗歌:start over 重新开始

26·诗歌:from friends to lovers 从朋友到情人

27·诗歌:h**e faith and expect the best 心怀信念并追求完美

28·诗歌:slow dance 放慢你的舞步

29·诗歌:whatever you say, say nothing


31·诗歌:the deep calm voice 心灵的召唤

32·诗歌:a morning wish 在清晨许个愿

33·诗歌:discover your passion and purpose 点燃你的激情

34·诗歌:be free 自由人生

35·诗歌:never give up hope 永不放弃希望

36·诗歌:be with people when you are sad 伤心时不必独处

37·诗歌:write your own life 谱写生命的乐章

38·诗歌:dream-a passion within you 梦想-你心中永远的激情

39·诗歌:freedom 珍惜自由

40·诗歌:try to remember the good things 回忆美好。

41·诗歌:march calf

42·诗歌:the zebras

43·诗歌:remonstrance with the snails

44·诗歌:the trees are down

45·诗歌:the garden

46·诗歌:ode to a nightingale

47·诗歌:friends 朋友

48·诗歌:the more loving one 让我们成为更有爱心的人

49·诗歌:a grain of sand 一粒沙子

50·诗歌:a psalm of life 人生礼颂。

51·诗歌:churning day

52·诗歌:the last night that she lived

53·诗歌:a red, red rose

54·诗歌:cut grass

55·诗歌:this is just to say

56·诗歌:the fascination of what’s difficult

57·诗歌:a musical instrument

58·诗歌:the jaguar

59·诗歌:i started early - took my dog

60·诗歌:the horses

61·诗歌:always be...时常。

62·诗歌:happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐

63·诗歌:today, i choose...今天我选择

64·诗歌:the seven steps to quieting your mind 静心法

65·诗歌:climb that mountain 翻越那座山

66·诗歌:new year greetings from faith 新年寄语

67·诗歌:the key to living a life of love 幸福生活的关键

68·诗歌:never give up hope 永远别放弃希望

69·诗歌:morning song

70·诗歌:from the frontier of writing

71·诗歌:creating your own life 创造属于你自己的生活

72·诗歌:why i love you 我之所以爱你

73·诗歌:loving yourself unconditionally 全心全意爱自己

74·诗歌:love what you do, do what you love


75·诗歌:a forever friend 永远的朋友

76·诗歌:time is a bank 时间银行

77·诗歌:today is all we h**e 拥有今天

78·诗歌:i learn to be strong 我学会坚强

79·诗歌:get a thorough understanding of oneself 悟透自己

80·诗歌:catch the star that will take you to your dreams


50、a psalm of life 人生礼颂。

herry wadsworth longfellow/


tell me not in mournful numbers,请别用哀伤的诗句对我讲;

life is but an empty dream!


for the soul is dead that slumbers

因为沉睡的灵魂如死一般,and things are not what they seem.


life is real! life is earnest!


and the gr**e is not its goal;


dust thou art , to dust returnest,你是尘土,应归于尘土。

was not spoken of the soul.


not enjoyment , and not sorrow,我们的归宿并不是快乐,is our destined and our way;

也不是悲伤,but to act,实干。

that much to-morrow.

才是我们的道路,find us farther than to-day.


art is long , and time is fleeting.

光阴易逝,而艺海无涯,and our hearts , though stout and br**e.

我们的心哪——虽然勇敢坚强,still , like muffled drums , are beating

却像被布蒙住的铜鼓,funeral marches to the gr**e。


in the world’s broad field of battle,在这人生的宿营地,in the bivouac of life,在这辽阔的世界战场,be not like dumb,driven cattle!

别做无言的牲畜任人驱赶,be a hero in the strife!


trust no pleasant!


let the dead past bury its dead!


act,act in the living present!

上帝在上,我们胸怀勇气,let us,then,be up and doing,让我们起来干吧,with a heart for any fate;


still achieving,still pursuing

不断胜利,不断追求,learn to labour and to wait.


英语诗歌 入门

诗歌是纯文学。英美文学传统中此种文学形式十分繁荣,在这方面甚至可与被称为 诗的国度 的中国相提并论。正如学习汉语不明诗词歌赋为何物,就难入佳境一样,学习英文而不解诗味,也堪称憾事。然而,由于用词典雅 句法精炼 形式别致以及意象丰富等等缘故,英文诗号称难读。本课程精选莎士比亚以来名家名诗数十首,解其句...


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英语诗歌 UnderstandingWomen

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