考研英语备考必考5500词汇 十四

发布 2021-02-08 10:26:28 阅读 8137




701. the assessor asserts that he inserted the deserted desserts in the desert with alert.估价员断言他把荒废的甜点警惕地插入到了沙漠内。

702. the abrupt corrupt man had the xeroxed code corroded in the erosion episode.唐突的***的男人将被复印的**侵蚀在一段腐蚀情节中。

703. the enlightened man highlighted his mighty insight into the fright.开明的人在惊骇中突出他有力的洞察力。

704. i would rather withhold than uphold you unfold the gold foil on the threshold.我宁愿拒绝也不支持你在门口(在快要开始的时候)打开金箔。

705. the imposing man posed as a man of good disposition and disposed of the rubbish.使人难忘的人摆出好脾气的姿势然后处理垃圾。

706. the prose author's diagnosis discloses that the hose is damaged.散文作家的诊断透露这个软管损坏了。

707. the limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty.柔软的小虾有推动力地执行被强制的义务。

708. the implicit implication about the deficit is not explicit.关于赤字的含蓄的暗示不清楚。

709. the degeneration of regenerative gene is exaggrated.再生基因的退化(恶化)被夸大了。

710. the competent petitioner thinks the perpetual impetus is petty.有能力的上诉人(请求人)认为永久的动力(刺激)是不重要的。


711. the superstitious man put the priority on the superficial supersonic superiority.迷信的人将优先权放到肤浅的超级(超声波)的自尊(优势)上。

712. the traitor in strait straightforwardly told me the traits of the bait.在窘迫中(苦恼)的叛国者直接地告诉了我诱饵的特征。

713. the oriental is proficient in the ingredients.东方人精通配料(成分)。

714. the recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious.处方容器片刻使尽责的外国顾客不省人事。

715. the rotary agitator irrigated him.旋转式搅拌机为他清洗(伤口)。

716. the counselor bounced up to denounce discount.(法律)顾问跳起来公然指责折扣。

717. the degraded undergraduate upgraded the underlying virus program.降级的大学肆业生升级了潜在的病毒程序。

718. jail life made the frail retailer **ail every snail in the pail.监狱生活使虚弱的零售商人帮助每个在桶里的蜗牛。

719. deviation in **iation is dangerous. writing is alleviated via bias on abbreviation.


720. on the anniversary the versatile poet wrote an adverse verse virtue versus evil.在周年纪念中,多才多艺的诗人写了一首相反的诗“美德对**”721.

the recruit made the current circulate in the circuit on the circumference.



722. in the suitcase, the guitar tutor found the tuition by intuition.在手提箱内,吉他家庭教练凭直觉找到学费。

723. the watchful snatcher dispatched a batch of combatants to the hatch.警惕的诱拐者派了一批战士去舱口。

724. the wretched butcher clutched the needle and stitched it clumsily.可怜的(悲惨的,恶劣的)屠夫抓住针然后笨拙地缝它。

725. the peer's queer peering is a sheer sneer.同等的人的可疑的窥视是一个纯粹的嘲笑。

726. the currency curriculum made the excursionist incur loss of time and money.流通(货币)课程使得旅行者招致了时间和金钱的损失。

727. the stray betrayer arrayed the sprayers on the road.迷路的叛徒在路上排列了喷雾器。

728. dust accumulated on the insulated simulator in the desolate lab.在荒凉的实验室中,灰尘聚集在绝缘的模拟器上。

729. the inflated balloon indicates a latent inflation on the plateau.膨胀的气球预示着在高原上的一个潜在的通过膨胀(膨胀)。

730. trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent's report.微不足道的贡品形成(构成)了选举人的报告的属性。

731. i acutely and resolutely refuted the brutal persecution of mute commuter.我尖锐和坚决地反驳了对无声的(沉默的)通勤者的残忍的**。

732. this measure may preclude the exclusive agency from selling crucial crude oil.


这个措施可以排除对至关重要的**的销售的独家**。733. he depicted the conviction that contradicted the verdict.

他叙述(描述)了与裁决相矛盾的定罪。734. magnify the magnitude of the magnetism.


735. the deputy chairman of the charity clarified the importance of clarity and purity.慈善团体的**注意阐明了透明和纯洁的重要性。

736. the tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburge with shampoo.有轨电车的脚步声淹没了带有香波的火腿汉堡。

737. according to the pamphlet, the current in the amplifier can be amplified to 3 amperes.根据这个小册子,在放大器中的电流可以被增强到3安培。

738. prolong the sponge along the longitude and latitude at an altitude.在一个高度,沿着经度和惟独拉长海绵。

739. the conservative man made a reservation in the observatory.保守的人在天文台做了预约。

740. the mender recommends me to amend the legend(传说) agenda(议程).修理的人建议我改正图例操作规程。

741. his comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious.他对钟摆的附属品的全面的理解是很明显的。

742. elevate the eleventh level to relevant height.升高第11级到相应的高度。


743. thereafter, i adhered to the coherence inherent to the theory.从那以后,我坚持理论的内在一致。

744. the prophet appropriately appropriated the fund for repairing propeller.预言者适当地拨出资金来修理螺旋桨。

745. i'm baffled why the affiliated man initiated the negotiator into ego.

我感到困惑,为什么有关联的(附属的)人倡导(促使,发起)谈判代表利己主义。746. the radiation radius of the radioactive radium radiator in the stadium is variable.

有放射性的镭辐射体(散热器)在广场中的辐射半径是可变的。747. snobbish knob is doing his hobby in the lobby.


748. the ass bypassed the guard and assassinated the surpassing ambassador in the embassy.笨人(驴)绕过警卫在大使馆中刺杀了优秀的大使。

749. the corporate bodies collaborate elaborately on producing vibrating evaporator.公司的主体精心合作生产振动蒸发器。

750. the dazzling light from the digital device dizzied me.从数字设备中发出的耀眼的(眼花缭乱的)光使我眩晕。

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