
发布 2021-02-08 05:34:28 阅读 6361

1, exercise control over 控制。

you must exercise some control over your mood 你必须好好控制你的心情。

2, in excess of sth =go beyond 超过(一定数量)

he spent in excess of two hours in doing homework 他花费了超过两个小时做作业。

3, embark on 着手,开始做某事。

you must embark on doing homework 你必须开始做作业了。

4, exert oneself to do 努力,尽力。

i must exert myself to study english well 我必须努力学好英语。

5, make an exhibition of oneself 出洋相,当众出丑=make a spectacle of oneself =make a show of oneself = make an ass of oneself = make a fool of

don’t be afraid of ****** an exhibition of yourself 不要害怕当众出丑。

6, at the expense of =at the cost of 以。。。为代价。

you can’t finish your work at the expense of your health 你不能以你的健康作为代价来完成你的工作。

7, keep an eye on 照看,照管,留心,注意=look out for = take notice of = take note of

you must keep an eye on your beh**iors 你必须注意你的行为。

8, be equivalent to 等同于,相当于=the same as = equate 。。with 。。

helping her study is equivalent to improving her grades 帮助她的学习等同于提高她的成绩。

9, in the fashion of 以。。。方式。

he won in the fashion of the fair way 他以公平的方式获胜。

10, face up to sth 勇敢地接受(或对付)

you must face up to the reality 你必须勇敢地接受现实。

11, far from 远非,不像期待的那样。

your success is far from other men’s expectations 你的成功和其他人的期待所不一样。

12.figure out = be clear of = find out =work out 想出,理解,明白。

you must figure out the best method 你必须想出最好的方法。

free from =be free of =be immune from

免于。he can be free from taking the test 他能免于参与这次考试。

14,for free 免费。

you can get a ticket for free 你能免费获得一张票。

15,get around 四处转转,说服。

the man likes getting around everyone 这个男人喜欢说服每个人。

16,get around to do sth 抽出时间来做。

you must get around to doing your homework 你必须抽出时间来做作业。

17,get away with 侥幸逃脱,逃脱处罚。

you can get away with the punishment 你能侥幸逃脱处罚。


1,out of condition 健康不佳,身体不适 he is out of condition 他身体不太好。2,in good shape in good health keep fit 身体健康。you are in good shape 你身体健康。3,in confidence 私下...


考研英语真题必背词组之 一 in contrast相反 due to 由 所引起,因为 bedeprived of 剥夺某人的 at the rate of 以 的速度 take time费时间,需要时间 belikelyto 可能 resultfrom由于 resultin导致 combine w...

2019考研英语必背常考词组 2

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