
发布 2021-02-06 16:22:28 阅读 2038

篇一: 英语日常用语【推荐使用】



1.初会。常见表达:how do you do?/hello!/i'm glad to see you. /nice to meet you.



/good morning (afternoon, evening)!/how are you?/how are things going?

/how are you getting on?


常见表达:may i introduce myself? my name is jim.

/ how do you do? i'm jim./let me introduce b to you.

a, this is b.


常见表达:good-bye!/bye-bye!/bye!/see you tomorrow(later, soon,at six

o'clock)!good night!/ h**e a good (nice) day!

goodbye, jim, and good luck!

四、打**(****** phone calls)


常见表达:hello! mike (here)./hello! this is mike (speaking).



常见表达:may(can) i speak to kate, please?/is that kate?

/is kate in?/who's that?用法点津:

需要证实对方的身份时,不能说are you...或who are you?


常见表达:hello, 8244011./good morning.

this is kate (speaking)./yes, speaking.用法点津:

a.接**时,第一句招呼语可以是hello.,也可以视情况说good morning!


问对方是谁时可以这样说who's calling?/who is that speaking?/is that mike speaking?

/is that you, mike?


常见表达:you are wanted on the phone./

there's a call for you./for you.

五、感谢和应答(thanks and responses)


常见表达:a: thank you./thank you very much (indeed). many thanks.

b: not at all./that's ok(all right).

/that's nothing./you are welcome./don't mention it.


常见表达:a: thanks for your help.

b: (it's) my pleasure. /it's a pleasure.

a: here's a ticket for you.

b: thank you. it's very nice (kind) of you.

六、祝愿、祝贺和应答(greetings, congratulations and responses)

1. 节日问候

常见表达:a: happy new year!/merry christmas!/i wish you a happy new year.

b: thanks, the same to you./thanks and i wish you the same.

/a merry christmas to you, too.


常见表达:a: congratulations (on your success)!

/let me congratulate you on your progress./well done./that's great!

b: thank you (for your congratulations)./it was very kind of you to say so.



常见表达:a:i hope you h**e a good journey.

/h**e a good time in thank you./thanks. i will.



常见表达:i will help you with your english./i'm willing to let mike help you.


常见表达:a: will you go with us?

/are you willing to go with us? /do you mind going with us? /would you like (us) to visit beijing?

b: of course, i will (am). no, not at all.

用法点津:not at all可以看作是i don't mind at all.的省略形式。


常见表达:she'd like (me) to stay at home tomorrow./he is thinking of giving us a talk.

八、道歉和应答(apologies and responses)


常见表达:sorry to h**e kept you waiting. /i'm sorry, but i'm busy.

/excuse me (for being late)./i beg your pardon for not telling you that./i'm afraid we are not free this weekend.

用法点津:sorry主要用于因犯了某种过失而于事后向他人表示歉意,也可表示因不能满足他人要求或请求而表示歉意。excuse me 通常用于下列情形:



常见表达:not at all./don't mention it.

/never mind about that./forget it./that's ok.

/it doesn't matter. /don't worry about it.

用法点津:用never mind.作答时有时可表达说话人多少有点不高兴或无可奈何的意味。如:

a: could you help me hang this picture?

b: i'm just going out.

a: oh, never mind. i'll do it myself.

九、遗憾和同情(regrets and sympathy)

常见表达:what a pity you can't come with us./i'm sorry to hear your mother is ill.

/the young man died last night. how terrible!

十、邀请和应答(invitations and responses)


常见表达:what about playing football

with us?/do come to play with us tomorrow./

would you like to h**e a dinner with us this

evening?/do you feel like taking a walk now?/

won't you come in and sit down?/ i'd like to invite you to dinner this saturday, mr smith.


常见表达:yes, i'd like to./yes, great.

/sure. that's a good idea./yes, with pleasure.

/that's very kind of you. thank you./sure, why not?

i'll be glad to./that sounds nice (great).

i'd love to, but i'm afraid i can't./i wish i could, but i'm too busy. /thank you, but i'm afraid i must finish my homework first.

接下来的时间,通过创设具体情景,巩固新知。 打**。


a: hello. 890621.

b: hello. is that li lei?

a: yes, it is. hi, jim!

b: li lei! are you free next sunday?

a: i think so. why?

b: would you like to go to the park with me?

英语学习 日常用语

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