
发布 2021-02-06 15:27:28 阅读 2134

daily english :


no words to apologize to you.我不知该怎样向你表达我的歉意。 togo!好样的!

a big hit!这是一个巨大的成功!

stop by later。我会顺便来看看的。

can i gethold ofyou?我怎么跟你联系呢? you speak up a little,pls?可以大声点吗?

to hear that.谢天谢地。

thati’ve gotten a rise.我涨工资了。 would please me more.没有比这更让人高兴的了。



我认输。 my troth.我保证。

18. it’s a pain in the neck.这很麻烦。 of the devil.说曹操,曹操到。

d better shape up if he wants to stay on.如果他还想留在这儿的话,最好乖一点。

21. let me spring for dinner.我来请客吧。

22. she's in hot water with her parents recently.最近她和她的父母关系有点僵。

on,don’t jump the gun.等等,别草率行事。 never open your mouth but you put your footin it.


25. mind you!请注意!

听着!26. do you really mean it?

此话当真?27. you're a great help.

你帮了大忙。28. i'm really dead.


29. i couldn't please you more.我尽量让你尽兴。

30. you never know.=who knows.

天晓得。 you insist.恭敬不如从命。

may say that again.我同意。

ll keep my fingers crossed for you.我会为你祈祷。 gotten carried away.

我扯太远了。 one is on me.这顿我来请。

can’t place her face.我认不出她是谁。37.

look at the big picture.以大局为重。 got my second wind.

我的体力恢复了。 right with you?你还好吧?

be so fussy!别太挑剔了。 don’t rush me.


s come to my mind.我什么也想不起来。 make it sound so easy.

听你说起来很容易。 wanna know what he's up to.我想知道他在忙些。

什么。m already locked into sth else.我已经有别的事要做了。

s play it by ear.见机行事。 it out.住手。

piss me off.你惹恼我了。

m the one wearing pants in the house.我当家。 hands are full right now.

现在我很忙。'll be along in a few minutes.他马上就会过来。

never rains but it pours.祸不单行。53.

better safe than sorry.小心不出大错。 i take a rain check?

你能改天再请我吗? to turn in.该睡觉了。

got off on the wrong foot with mr green bybeing latefor work.她上班迟到,以致一开始就给格林先生留下了坏印象。

it on.加油!

your shirt on.别紧张;冷静点。

it out,i had enough of it.住嘴,我受够了。 feel quite an attachment for my job.我很喜欢我的工作。

ll be the day.绝对不可能。

a f**or of jane,she's great at advice.去找简帮忙吧,她很擅长给人建议。

m on cloud nine.我心情特好。 you right.活该。

feel inclined to h**e a talk with you.我想跟你聊聊。'm not myself today.我今天心神不宁。

cellphone cost me an arm & a leg.为了买那个手机,我花了一大笔钱。

h**e a particular **ersion to lies.我特讨厌谎言。 call the shots.你来决定。

is one upon jack.吉姆比杰克更胜一筹。's a deal,don't beat a dead horse.木已成舟,别白费口舌了。

h**e the conn.你说了算。

you're hungry,grab a bite before dinner.你要是饿。


you accept plastic?收不收行用卡? me foot the bill.我请客。

help is greatly appreciated.非常感激你的帮助。77.

don't take ill of me.别生我气。 come first served!

先到先得!'s more like that.这才象话。












is the matter?时间到怎么了?发生了什么事?come here when i call your back to your seat我叫到你的名字时,请到这儿来回到你的座位。me want everyone to sit properly让我试试。试一试我希望每个人坐正 by one自愿...


日常用语。1.it is time to wake up.到起床时间了。2.it is already 7 15 hurry up or you will be late for school.已经7 15,快点否则你要迟到了。3.what will you shall i wear today?今...


i see 我明白了。hold on 等一等。i agree。我同意。not bad 还不错。see you 再见。shut up 闭嘴!why not?好呀!为什么不呢?allow me 让我来。be quiet 安静点!good job 做得好!how much?多少钱?i m full 我饱了...