
发布 2021-02-06 14:54:28 阅读 8977





1. i want to h**e another apple

want to h**e one more apple

3. a : do you h**e any pens? b: yes, i do, do you want to get one?

4 a: do you h**e any pens? b: yes, but there is only one, do you want to get it?

5. there is a map above the blackboard.

6. there is a person below the mountain.

7. he can afford to buy a car.

8. he began to work at the age of fourteen.

9. marx began to learn english in his fifties.

10. i h**e never seen a better move before.

11. this is the best movie that i h**e ever seen.

12. he is taller than any other one in his class.

初中英语必背短语 重点句型 自测用

七年级上册。用英语。名字。姓。中学 初中。家谱。一张我的家庭 劳驾 请原谅。询问消息或提出建议 怎么样?好吗。为 而感谢你 们 请求 恳求 给予 拨打 和 联系。一套 一副 一组。快点儿。飞机模型。打篮球。玩电脑游戏。通过电视。下周。思考 思索。提出建议 怎么样?体育明星。饮食习惯。健康食品。购物时...

初中英语 必背 重点句型总结归纳训练稿

初中英语 必背 重要句型归纳训练姓名。句1 there be 主语 to do sth.doing sth.地点状语 时间状语 就近原则,倒装 1 河里有条船和许多鱼。2 教室里有一个女学生在睡觉。3 每个周末有很多作业要完成吗。句2 what s wrong the matter with.the...


句型31 keep sb.sth.adj.v ing 介词补语 advu muur clalean.你们必须保持教室干净。u waiting.对不起,让你久等。can you?你能让他在这个房里吗?让他们在这儿呆着。句型32 find 宾语 宾补。he finds it very hard to t...