
发布 2021-02-05 18:58:28 阅读 9264



絃撿: coffee pot 縉溜綿 ﹛﹛

coffee cup 縉溜戚 ﹛﹛

***** towel 祧踫 ﹛﹛

napkin 絃踫 ﹛

table cloth 袤票 ﹛﹛

tea每pot 脰綿 ﹛﹛

tea set 脰撿 ﹛﹛

tea tray 脰攫 ﹛﹛

caddy 脰嫡 ﹛﹛

dish 詠 ﹛﹛

plate 攫 ﹛﹛

saucer 苤詠赽 ﹛﹛

rice bowl 溯俖 ﹛﹛

chopsticks 輳赽 ﹛﹛

soup spoon 抸啻 ﹛﹛

knife 絃絮 ﹛﹛

cup 戚赽 ﹛﹛

glass 產薛戚 ﹛﹛

mug 鎮親戚 ﹛﹛

picnic lunch 晞絞 ﹛﹛

fruit plate 阨彆攫 ﹛﹛

toothpick 挴

笢絃:﹛﹛bear"s paw 倱梪 ﹛﹛

breast of deer 繒葫 ﹛﹛

beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 漆統 ﹛﹛

sea sturgeon 漆鱄 ﹛﹛

salted jelly fish 漆藯 ﹛﹛

kelp, seaweed 漆湍 ﹛﹛

abalone 惚赶 ﹛﹛

shark fin 赶喔 ﹛﹛

scallops 補探 ﹛﹛

lobster 韓牬 ﹛﹛

bird"s nest 桏恮 ﹛﹛

roast suckling pig 蕉紿 ﹛﹛

pig"s knuckle 紿褐 ﹛﹛

boiled salted duck 敆阨捊 ﹛﹛

preserved meat 幫 ﹛﹛

barbecued pork 脫尥 ﹛﹛

sausage 眅釵 ﹛﹛

fried pork flakes 侂 ﹛﹛

bar-b-q 蕪 ﹛﹛

meat diet 餌粕 ﹛﹛

vegetables 匼粕 ﹛﹛

meat broth 輊 ﹛﹛

local dish 華源粕 ﹛﹛

cantonese cuisine 嫘陲粕 ﹛﹛

set meal 諦溯 ﹛﹛

curry rice 縉酮溯 ﹛﹛

fried rice 陷溯 ﹛﹛

plain rice 啞溯 ﹛﹛

crispy rice 廓匙 ﹛﹛

gruel, soft rice, porridge 粖 ﹛﹛

noodles with gr**y 湖簣醱 ﹛﹛

plain noodle 栠景醱 ﹛﹛

casserole 仱廓 ﹛﹛

chafing dish, fire pot 鳶廓 ﹛﹛

meat bun 婦赽 ﹛﹛

shao-mai 尥闔 ﹛﹛

preserved bean curd 葛 ﹛﹛

bean curd 飪葛 ﹛﹛

fermented blank bean 飪鐒 ﹛﹛

pickled cucumbers 蓬圖 ﹛﹛

preserved egg 粥 ﹛﹛

salted duck egg 玶捊粥 ﹛﹛

dried turnip 蹤眺補


menu 粕等 ﹛﹛

french cuisine 楊弊粕 ﹛﹛

today"s special 踏杻絃 ﹛﹛

chef"s special 翋報杻絃 ﹛﹛

buffet 赻翑絃 ﹛﹛

fast food 辦絃 ﹛﹛

specialty 桸齪粕 ﹛﹛

continental cuisine 韁宒昹絃 ﹛﹛

aperitif 溯嬴 ﹛﹛

dim sum 萸陑 ﹛﹛

french fires 旍扱沭 ﹛﹛

baked potato 箸鎮鍊扱 ﹛﹛

mashed potatoes 鎮鍊扱懾 ﹛﹛

omelette 潠粥橙 ﹛﹛

pudding 票間 ﹛﹛

pastries 泫萸 ﹛﹛

pickled vegetables 邐粕 ﹛﹛

kimchi 澈弊邐粕 ﹛﹛

crab meat 郱 ﹛﹛

prawn 隴牬 ﹛﹛

conch 漆蹟 ﹛﹛

escargots 泬蹟 ﹛﹛

braised beef 嚓籟 ﹛﹛

bacon 悇 ﹛﹛

poached egg 盡婦粥 ﹛﹛

sunny side up 澆珨醱盡婦粥 ﹛﹛over 澆謗醱盡婦粥 ﹛﹛

fried egg 澆粥 ﹛﹛

over easy 澆圉抇粥 ﹛﹛

over hard 澆抇粥 ﹛﹛

scramble eggs 陷粥 ﹛﹛

boiled egg 羜粥 ﹛﹛

stone fire pot 坒芛鳶廓 ﹛﹛

sashi 掛罣輳 ﹛﹛

sake 掛譙嬴 ﹛﹛

miso shiru 庤颬抸 ﹛﹛

roast meat 沺啣蕪 ﹛﹛

sashimi 汜赶 ﹛﹛

butter 騷蚐 ﹛﹛

濮窊: ﹛beverages 窊蹋 ﹛﹛

soya-bean milk 飪蓮 ﹛﹛

syrup of plum 呫繩抸 ﹛﹛tomato juice 楓眴 ﹛﹛

orange juice 橖赽眴 ﹛﹛

coconut milk 珙赽眴 ﹛﹛asparagus juice 竄媺眴 ﹛﹛

grapefruit juice 曶髲眴 ﹛﹛

vegetable juice 忣粕眴 ﹛﹛ginger ale 蔽眴 ﹛﹛

sarsaparilla 伈尪 ﹛﹛

soft drink 阨 ﹛﹛coco-cola(coke) 褫諳褫氈 ﹛﹛

tea le**es 脰珔 ﹛﹛

black tea 綻脰 ﹛﹛

jasmine tea 嗩獲(眅 )

tea bag 脰婦 ﹛﹛

lemon tea 襪蟾脰 ﹛﹛

white goup tea 隄圖脰 ﹛﹛honey 瑚蹲 ﹛﹛

chlorella 蟯婍 ﹛﹛

soda water 劼湖阨 ﹛﹛

artificial color 馱伎匼 ﹛﹛

ice water 梨阨 ﹛﹛

mineral water 鄴阨 ﹛﹛distilled water 淛闆阨 ﹛﹛long-life milk 悵壅騷 ﹛﹛condensed milk 褻 ; 褻騷 ﹛﹛

cocoa 褫褫 ﹛﹛

coffee mate 騷儕 ﹛﹛

coffee 縉溜 ﹛﹛

iced coffee 梨縉溜 ﹛﹛

white coffee 籟騷縉溜 ﹛﹛

black coffee 曾縉溜 ﹛﹛

ovaltine 陝貌泬 ﹛﹛

chlorella yakult 欱氈嗣 ﹛﹛essence of chicken 憐儕 ﹛﹛ice-cream cone 泫芠 ﹛﹛

sundae 吤測; 陔華 ﹛﹛ice-cream 悕詹 ﹛﹛

soft ice-cream 敦靽邀 ﹛﹛vanilla ice-cream 眅翌梨靽邀 ﹛﹛

ice candy 梨堵 ﹛﹛

milk-shake 騷昺 ﹛﹛

straw 柲奪﹛﹛

阨彆:pineapple 瘀燧 ﹛﹛

watermelon 昹圖 ﹛﹛

papaya 躂圖 ﹛﹛

betelnut 樾曙 ﹛﹛

chestnut 璦赽 ﹛﹛

coconut 珙赽 ﹛﹛

ponkan 癲裡 ﹛﹛

tangerine 橖赽 ﹛﹛

mandarin orange 橖 ﹛﹛sugar-cane 裘涫 ﹛﹛muskmelon 眅圖 ﹛﹛

shaddock 恅筒 ﹛﹛

juice peach 阨蹲朊 ﹛﹛

pear 燧赽 ﹛﹛

peach 朊赽 ﹛﹛

carambola 栦朊 ﹛﹛

cherry 茛朊 ﹛﹛

persimmon 岏赽 ﹛﹛

apple 彆 ﹛﹛

mango 璽彆 ﹛﹛

fig 拸豪彆 ﹛﹛

water caltrop 鎂褒 ﹛﹛

almond 倬 ﹛﹛

plum 燠赽 ﹛﹛

honey-dew melon 慇躇圖 ﹛﹛loquat 餑駎 ﹛﹛

olive 橪擳 ﹛﹛

rambutan 綻禱竣 ﹛﹛

durian 闌? ﹛

strawberry 翌摁 ﹛﹛

grape 曶 ﹛﹛

grapefruit 曶髲 ﹛﹛

lichee 璩皉 ﹛﹛

longan 韓桉 ﹛﹛

wax-apple 虧昲 ﹛﹛

gu**a 楓坒闌 ﹛﹛

banana 眅蓿。

抇粕迵覃庤 :

string bean 侐撫飪 ﹛﹛

pea 俁飪 ﹛﹛

green soy bean 禱飪 ﹛﹛soybean sprout 酴飪捁 ﹛﹛mung bean sprout 蟯飪捁 ﹛﹛

bean sprout 飪捁 ﹛﹛

kale 裘懦粕 ﹛﹛

cabbage 婦陑粕; 湮啞粕 ﹛﹛broccoli 豪珙粕 ﹛﹛

mater convolvulus 諾陑粕 ﹛﹛

dried lily flower 踢渀粕 ﹛﹛mustard leaf 賣粕 ﹛﹛

celery 粕 ﹛﹛

tarragon 楑粕 ﹛﹛

beetroot, beet 泫粕 ﹛﹛agar-agar 豜粕窊妘荎逄棵颯湮 lettuce 汜粕 ﹛﹛

spinach 略粕 ﹛﹛

leek 壇粕 ﹛﹛

caraway 眅粕 ﹛﹛

hair-like seaweed 楷粕 ﹛﹛preserved szechuan pickle 掍粕 ﹛﹛salted vegetable 悕爵綻 ﹛﹛lettuce 搦傸 ﹛﹛

asparagus 竄媺 ﹛﹛

bamboo shoot 罣囹 ﹛﹛

dried bamboo shoot 囹補 ﹛﹛chives 壇酴 ﹛﹛

ternip 啞蹤眺 ﹛﹛

carrot 綸蹤眺 ﹛﹛

water chestnut 搣媵 ﹛﹛

ficus tikaua 華圖 ﹛﹛

long crooked squash 粕圖 ﹛﹛loofah 佪圖 ﹛﹛

pumpkin 鰍圖 ﹛﹛

bitter gourd 賴圖 ﹛﹛

cucumber 酴圖 ﹛﹛

white gourd 隄圖 ﹛﹛

gherkin 苤酴圖 ﹛﹛

yam 刓郠 ﹛﹛

taro 郠芛 ﹛﹛

beancurd sheets 啃珔 ﹛﹛champignon 眅厭 ﹛﹛

button mushroom 翌厭 ﹛﹛needle mushroom 踢渀厭 ﹛﹛agaricus 罌厭 ﹛﹛

dried mushroom 隄厭 ﹛﹛tomato 楓 ﹛﹛

eggplant 赽 ﹛﹛

potato, spud 鎮鍊扱 ﹛﹛

lotus root 虧驕 ﹛﹛

agaric 躂嫉 ﹛﹛

white fungus 啃躂嫉 ﹛﹛


1 单词快速记忆的两种深加工方法 词根词缀构词法 适合于集中快速地记忆单词 word map 联想分类法 适合于集中快速地记忆单词 2 使用本书时,可以把汉语意思遮盖,根据英语单词回忆汉语意思 或者把英语单词遮盖,根据汉语意思回忆英语单词。记不得的单词做上记号,或者记到一个小本子上,每天重复记忆。3...


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16 sense 1.gaze v.凝视,注视。2.glance vi.匆匆一看 一瞥3.glare v.瞪眼 怒目而视 闪耀。4.hear v.听见 听说,得知 5.hearing n.听力 6.listen vi.听,听从,收听。7.look 脸色v.看,看起来 8.observe v.观察,监...