
发布 2021-02-05 11:57:28 阅读 8751

因果关系:as a result/

as a result, he had to le**e.结果他只得离开。

there was a substantial growth of industry and foreign trade increased as a result.由于工业的大发展,对外**也发展了。

becauseof/becauseoftheclimatechange,morepeopleareawareofthepollution problems.因为气候变暖的原因,更多的人注意到了环境污染问题。

so that/i will give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself.我会给你所有的事实以便你可以自己判断。

now that/. now that winter is behind us, why not spend more time outdoors?/since/ since i h**e owned a bicycle, i h**e gone to school by it every day.


解释关系。in this case/you don't like your job. in this case why don't you le**e?

你不喜欢这份工作,既然这样,为什么不辞掉它呢?/frankly speaking/ frankly speaking, i prefer reading books to doing homework.推理关系。

or else/ the book must be here, or else you've lost it.书一定在这,要不然就是你把它丢了。

otherwise/you'd better go now, otherwise you'll miss the train.你最好现在就走,要不然就赶不上火车了。

递进关系。in other words/

abookisgoodfriend”,inotherwords,agoodbookprovideuswithsomething good to learn/what’s more/

i hatemathsbecause it’s a great deal of time./last but not least/last, but not least, computers can be harmful when it’s not properly used./that is to say/

that is to say, first we made our habits, then the habits made us./besides/

besides, smoking pollute the air./in addition/

in addition, history further my knowledge./further more/

fothermore, the flat has an extra garden.比较关系。

in cooperation with/emails are more convenient in cooperation with the traditional mails./in contrast/ in contrast./in the same way/

in the same way, h**ing good die can also keep you in shape选择关系。


i don’t

enjoy swimming but doing yaga/either…or/the weather

is so changeable that it’s either too hot or too cold./neither…nor/

the weather

is so perfect that it’s either too hot or too cold./rather than/

i like english rather than maths.转折关系。


although it is weekend, the senior students are still h**ing extra classes./despite/

despite the fact that he is only 1.83m, he is an excellent basketball playerin nba./however/

it’s raining hard, however, i still want to go there./anyway/

anyway, there are still risks which cannot be **oid.总结关系。

all in all, in all, above all, in sum, in a word, to conclude, as i h**e said/,综上所述,总之。

all in all,reading is good to students.顺序关系。

first ,firstly, first of all, above all, in the bginning /

first, we must get a detailed knowledge of computes.首先。

to start with/to start with, we need a little courage./finally, in the end, lastly, eventually/

finally, we achieved the goal we had set.最终。

furthermore, afterwards/furthermore, we can list out the advantage and disadvantage in order to compare./on one hand, on the other hand/一方面。。。另一方面。

强调关系。most important/

most important, we improve our oral english by doing this.过度关系。

as regards, concerning, regarding, as to, as for/关于,至于。

as regards to the absent students, i’ll infer them as soon as possible.举例关系。

for example, for instance/for instance, pandas are part of the treasure which cannot be volued.


in英音 in 美音 n in介词 prep.1.在。里,在。上。the two brothers study in the same class.两兄弟在同一个班里上课。the telephone is in the little study on the ground floor.在一楼的小书房...


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