英语短语听力入门 双语版

发布 2021-02-05 08:03:28 阅读 3154

01. 好孩子。

billy always listens to his mother. he always does what she says. if his mother says, “brush your teeth,”billy brushes his teeth.

if his mother says, “go to bed,” billy goes to bed. billy is a very good boy. a good boy listens to his mother.

his mother doesn’t h**e to ask him again. she asks him to do something one time,and she doesn’t ask again. billy is a good boy.

he does what his mother asks the first time. she doesn’t h**e to ask again. she tells billy, “you are my best child.

” of course billy is her best child. billy is her only child.






02. 活得长久。

nancy wants to live a long time. she wants to live for one hundred years. she is five years old now.

she wants to live 95 more years. then she will be 100. her father is 30 years old.

he wants to live a long time,too. he wants to live for one hundred years. he wants to live for 70 more years.

“daddy, we will grow old together, okay?” nancy said to her father. “yes, honey, we will grow old together,” he said to nancy smiled.

she g**e her daddy a big hug.






03. 犬吠。

bobby woke up because he heard a dog. he heard a dog barking outside his window. bobby woke up when he heard the dog barking.

bobby got out of bed. he got out of bed and walked to the window. he looked out the window.

he saw a big brown dog. it was barking very loud. bobby opened his window.

he looked at the barking dog. “why are you barking so loud?” he asked the dog.

the dog looked at bobby. then it stopped barking.






04. 丢失的铅笔。

d**id lost his yellow pencil. he could not find it. “where is my yellow pencil?

” he asked his sister. his sister did not know. “i don’t know where your pencil is,” she said.

d**id thought about it. he thought and thought. he used his yellow pencil before lunch.

he used it to write a note to his teacher. the note said, “dear teacher, thank you for helping me. d**id.

” he put the note in an envelope. where was the envelope? he looked in the kitchen.

he looked on the kitchen counter. he found the envelope. it was next to the toaster.

he found the pencil. it was under the toaster.








05. 骑马。

can i ride my horse, mommy?” sara asked her mom. sara loved to ride her horse.

she rode her horse almost every saturday. “okay, honey, get ready to go,” her mom said. sara was happy.

she went into her bedroom. she put her pink socks on. she put her pink sneakers on.

she grabbed her pink hat. she went to the front door. “i’m going to wait in the car,” she told her mom.

“okay, i’ll be there in a minute,” her mom said. sara opened the car door. she sat down in the front seat.

she put on her hat. she was excited.







06. 黄色玉米。

brian sat down for dinner. he sat down in the chair. he sat down at the table.

he looked at his white plate. he looked at his silver fork. he looked at his silver spoon.

his dad said, “pass me your plate, brian.”his dad put white rice on the plate. his dad put yellow corn on the plate.

his dad put green peas on the plate. he g**e the plate back to brian. “this looks delicious,” brian said.

“it is delicious,” his dad said. brian wondered why corn was yellow. he wondered why peas were green.

he wondered if there were yellow peas and green corn.







07. 划船。

brenda sang a song. she sang the song while she walked to school. the name of the song was“row, row, row your boat.

” brenda liked to sing this song. it was her f**orite song to sing. she sang it every day while she walked to school.

sometimes she sang it with her best friend. sometimes her best friend walked to school with brenda. then they both sang the song together.

brenda liked the song because it was easy to remember the words. “row, row, row your boat” are easy words to remember.





08. 跳跃者。

johnny jumped over the dog. the dog was lying on the ground. johnny jumped over it.

the dog saw johnny jump over it. the dog got up. the dog got up and barked at johnny.

johnny laughed. he laughed while the dog barked. johnny ran over to the fence.

the dog chased him to the fence. johnny jumped over the fence. he turned around and looked at the dog.

the dog stopped at the fence. the dog could not jump over the fence. johnny said, “jump, jump!

” the dog barked, but did not jump.







09. 红莓。

mary ate a blueberry. she loved blueberries. then she ate a blackberry.

she loved blackberries. then she ate a strawberry. she loved strawberries.

mary was confused. a blueberry is blue, so you call it a blueberry. a blackberry is black, so you call it a blackberry.

a strawberry is red. so, why don’t you call it a red berry? mary asked her mom.

her mom didn’t know. she asked her dad. her dad didn’t know.

she asked her little brother. “because a red berry is a cherry!” her brother said.


对于一个初学者来说,怎么样入门是学习一门语言最关键的问题。怎么样选择听力材料,选择什么样的练习方法,这些问题对于学好英语有着至关重要的作用。所以下面给大家介绍一些适合入门者学习的方法,这个阶段适合初学者。在学完字母及一些简单句型和词汇后即可开始。初学者一般可以进行三各听力练习 句型练习 做这项练习时...


入门阶段,是对以前很少进展听力训练,甚至没有听过英语的朋友而言。这个阶段,是起步阶段,也是耗时最长的阶段,就我的经历而言,在这一局部,应该采取如下的训练方法 1.首先要纠正自己的英语发音,自己在口语上还算能过关,如果自己的发音都不行,那怎么可能听懂。2.选择难度较小,语速较慢的听力材料来训练。建议听...


英语听力重点短语。above all 尤其是 最重要的是。be absent from 缺席 不在。be absorbed in 专心致志于。by accident 偶然地 意外地。according to 根据。take sth.into account 考虑到 顾及。be active in t...