
发布 2021-02-05 00:34:28 阅读 5720



make a great difference意义重大;有很大区别。

make sense 说得通;行得通;有意义。

attach great importance to (doing) 关注;注重;认为…重要。

take measures to do 采取措施做…

adopt/h**e a correct attitude towards…等待…的态度。

h**e a positive/negative effect on… 给…带来一种积极/消极的影响。

in terms of…..就…而言。

play an important role in…. 在……中扮演重要角色/起着重要的作用。

contribute to…. 导致;有助于。

be worth doing 值得…

take an active part in积极参与。

treat in a friendly manner 友好地对待某人。

h**e access to…. 可以到达;可以使用。

be aware of 意识到。

devote…to… 献身于……

be determined to do 决心做……

be impressed with…. 某人对…印象深刻。

turn out 结果是……

be fond of 喜欢……

be optimistic about对……乐观。

be willing to do 情愿做…..

prevent/stop/keep from doing 阻止某人或某物做….

make a decision 做出一个决定。

long for 渴望…. long to do 渴望做……

graduate from毕业。

show great interest in对……有极大的兴趣。

take sth. seriously认真对待。

be of great importance to 对……具有重要意义。

stay/keep healthy/fit 保持健康。

be determined to do 决心做……

lead a…life 过着……的生活。

be considered/regarded as 被认为是……

be concerned about 关心……

keep in mind 记住……

make a contribution to 对……做出贡献。

put forward 提出。

be enthusiastic about 对……热情。

make preparations for为……做准备。

with the hope/aim of 带着……的希望/目的。

give a deep impression on sb.给……留下深刻的印象。

improve our living condition 改善我们的生活条件。

environmental protection 环境保护。

low-carbon lifestyle 低碳的生活方式。

live in harmony生活和谐。

be content with 对….满足。

convince of 使某人对……信服。

refer to 查阅;参考;谈到。

prefer to do…. rather than do…..宁愿做……而不愿做….

thanks to…. 多亏…..

as a result of/on account of…. 因为;由于。

a vast majority of…..绝大多数…..

account for…. 说明/解释……原因;占…..比例。

look forward to (doing) 期待…./盼望…..

be busy doing 忙着做…

be occupied/ engaged/involved in (doing) 集中注意做…..

achieve one’s dream/goal 实现梦想、目标。


put to good use 好好地使用….

be curious about…. 对…..好奇。

to put it another, =in other words, 换句话说…..

get close to 接近…..

as a matter of fact, 事实上。

make full use of 充分利用…

make great efforts to do 努力做…


i’m of the opinion that…..我的观点是…..

it’s no wonder that…… 难怪…..

there’s no denying that…. 不可否认的是…

there is no point in doing… 做…没有意义。

as is vividly shown in the picture above, 正如上述**生动展示的那样。

it mirrors a common social phenomenon that…… 这反映了一种常见的社会现象……

it’s commonly believed that…..it’s a common belief that…. 大家共同的看法是…

we can safely draw the conclusion that…. 我们可以容易地得出结论…

what matters most is that…..最重要的是…

it’s widely accepted that…..大家普遍认可的是….

when it comes to…. 当提及…

as far as be concerned, 就…而言。

i’m greatly convinced that… 我深信…

i hold the view that… 我的观点是…

under no circumstances/by no means/in no way…….倒装结构绝不…..

only +adv./介词短语/从句+倒装结构只有…..才…….

the reason why…..is that…..的原因是….

it’s likely that…..有可能的是….

it is/ was +被强调内容+that从句。

generally speaking, 一般而言。

it’s obvious that…… 很显然….

from where i stand,……根据我的立场….

what touches me most is that…..最使我感触最深的是….

what we should do is that… 我们应该做的事情是……

as is known to all,……众所周知的是….


besides, 除此之外。

in addition, 另外。

what’s more, 此外。

moreover, 更有甚者。

furthermore, 此外。

meanwhile, 同时。

however, 然而。

for this reason, 为此。

therefore, 所以。

in a word, 总而言之。

all in all, 总而言之。

on the one hand, …on the other hand, …一方面….另一方面….

for one thing,……for another,……首先….其次…..


高考写作常用短语 句型及连接词。一 高频短语。make a great difference意义重大 有很大区别。make sense说得通 行得通 有意义。attach great importance to doing 关注 注重 认为 重要。take measures to do采取措施做 a...


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