
发布 2020-01-04 01:33:28 阅读 2087

aaccount for说明;做出解释;占。比例)a big headache 令人头痛的事情as the case may be 也许;通常情况是这样。

a most = very 非常;很。

a fraction of 一部分

a matter of concern 焦点a series of 一系列,一连串。

above all 首先,尤其是

absent from 不在,缺席。

abundant in 富于

account for 解释

accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某事。

add to 增加。

add up to 总计为,加起来达到

again and again 再三地,三番五次地。

agree on /upon 就。达成协议,就。取得一致意见agree with 同意,于。观点一致;


ahead of time /schedule 提前ahead of 在。之前。

ahead of time 提前

aim at 瞄准,以。为目标。

all alone 独自地,独立地。

alien to 与。相反

all (a) round 到处,周围。

all at once 突然,同时

all but 几乎;除了。都

all of a sudden 突然

all over again 再一次,重新all right 令人满意的;可以。

all the best 一切顺利,万事如意。

angry with sb. at /about sth. 生气,愤怒

anxious about /for 忧虑,担心anything but 根本不

apart from 除。外(有/无)

appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求

applicable to 适用于

apply to 适用

appropriate for /to 适当,合适approximate to 近似,接近

apt at 聪明,善于

apt to 易于

around the clock 夜以继日as a result (of) 因此,由于as a rule 通常,照例

as far as 远至,到。程度

as follows 如下

as good as 和。几乎一样

as regards 关于,至于

as to 至于,关于

as well as 除。外(也),即。又as well 同样,也,还

ashamed of 羞愧,害臊

aside from 除。外(还有)

ask for the moon 异想天开at a loss 茫然,不知所措

at one go = in one go 一口气;一下子。

at a time 一次;每次

at all costs 不惜一切代价

at all events 不管怎样;无论如何at all times 随时;总是

at any rate 无论如何;至少

at first sight 乍一看;初看起来at best 充其量;至多

at hand 在手边;在附近

at heart 内心里;本质上

at home 在家;在国内

at intervals 不时;每隔。

at large 大多数;未**获的

at last 终于

at least 至少

at length 最终,终于

at most 至多;不超过

at no time 从不;决不。

at one time 曾经;一度;同时

at present 目前,现在

at someone's disposal 任。处理at the cost of 以。为代价

at the mercy of 任凭。摆布at the moment 此刻,目前

at this rate 照此速度

at times 有时,间或

bback and forth 来回地,反复地back of 在。后面。

beat around the bush 拐弯抹角bear sth. in mind 将。记在心中;记起。

bare of 几乎没有,缺乏

beat the crowd 避开人群

beat down 强烈照射;暴晒。

be around差不多

be **ailable to sb. 可用, 可供be capable of doing能够be concerned with 关心。涉足。

be drowned in 淹没在。

be dying to 渴望

be fed up with 受够了。

be in hospital 住院

be in season 上市的。

in peak season 旺季。

be in the mood to do sth. 想做be pressed for time时间不够be tied up with 忙于

be under the weather 身体不好before long 不久以后

be a go 可行;得到允许。

be all go 忙得要命;手忙脚乱。

behind schedule 误点。

bent on sth. 下定决心做。

beside point离题的,不相干的。

become of 降临到;使遭遇。

beyond one's ability 超越某人的能力beyond question 毫无疑问

be finished with/be thro-ugh with已结束;洗手不干。

be involved in 参与

be plagued with 纠结

be bathed in 沉浸在。中

blow away 吹掉。

blow down 吹倒;真没想到。

blow off 吹掉;炸掉;放气。

blow on吹冻;使受损害;是丢脸。

blow up 炸掉;毁掉;发怒;责骂;吹胀;打气。

boil down to sth.归结为;基本问题是。

booked up 订完了

bound for开往

break away (from) 逃掉 ;脱离;改掉。

break through 取得突破;克服。

break off 断绝 ;结束;突然停止;中止。

break down 抛锚;失败

break in 强行进入;打断;插嘴(get in不加宾语)break up 驱散;打碎;分解;**;解散;绝交。

break out 爆发;突然发生。

bring sth. into being 使产生,形成。

bring about 使。发生

bring someone up to date 将最新信息告诉某人。

bring through 使渡过(困难危机)bring forth 使。产生。

bring forward 提出;提议;把。提前。

bring up 抚养;培养;呕吐;提出。

bring in 引进;收获;收入(赚得)bring out 取出;阐明;出版;研发bring back 使。记起;归正;恢复。

bring down 使。降低;降下;打击;击败。

bring about 引起;导致。

by any chance 万一;也许。

by sight 见过面。

by turn 依次;轮流。

by accident 偶然

by chance 偶然,碰巧

by all means = of course尽一切办法;务必;当然。

by and by 不久,迟早

by far 最。得多

by hand 用手,用体力

by itself 自动地,独自地

by law 依法。

by way of 经由;通过。方法

by no means 决不,并没有

by oneself 单独地,独自地

by reason of 由于

by virtue of 借助,由于。

by this means 通过这种方式。

by no means 绝不。

by any means 无论如何;用一切可能有方法。

ccarry of抢走;带离;赢得;完成夺取生命。

carry on 经营;忙于;继续进行。

carry over 持续下去;推迟。

carry through


call off 取消;叫走;转移开。

call at 访问(某地)

call on 拜访某人。

call back 唤回;回**。

call for去取(某物);去接(某人);要求;号召。

call in 叫来,召集。

call on 访问;拜访;号召;请求;邀请,点某人的名,拜访call out 大声叫喊。

call up 给。打**。

care about 关心;忧虑;惦念;在意。

care for 喜欢(否定、疑问句);照料;


capable of 能够

careful of /about /with 小心,注意。

cater to 迎合;投合。

certain of /about 确信,肯定center on 把…当成中心;(使)成。

come about 发生。

come in 到来;进来;上市。

come out 出版

come to life /come back to life苏醒;总计;达到;谈到。

come along (with) 一道去。

come round苏醒;恢复;知觉;到来(节假日)come off 举行;成功

come to power 当权;上台。

come over = come过来;来访,过去。

come up with 提出;想出。

come up 发芽;出现;被提出;走近

come to 恢复;知觉;共计;达到(某种状态);


come out (**上)显露;结果是;出版;


come on (upon) 加油;出场;改进;


come across /meet with /run into /run across


come up to 达到。


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