
发布 2021-02-04 16:39:28 阅读 5975

2012考前冲刺英语ⅳ专题13 介词与介词短语。

1. 【2012烟台期末】this company has launched several types of cars this year , and one___appeals to the young.

a.in return b.in particular c.in addition d.in turn

2. 【2012福建四地六校联考】 i believe we could face delays if we tr**el by bus,__traffic jams.

a. thanks tob. despitec. regardless ofd in spite of


4. 【2012·金华十校期末】it was __jenny's timely help that we accomplished the task on time.

a.in addition tob.according to

c.owing tod.in relation to

答案】c 解析】考查介词短语辨析。owing to 意思是:由于。

句意为:正是由于詹妮的及时帮助我们,我们才准时完成了任务。in addition to 此外;according to根据;in relation to关于,涉及。

5. 【2012上海长宁高三期末】being a movie star can be quite a hard life,with a lot of tr**eling owing __a he**y schedule.

a . for b. to c. over

答案】b 解析】考查介词搭配,owing to由于。句意为:作为一名电影明星生活相当艰苦,因为日程紧张整日穿梭。

6. 【2012泰安高三年级考试英语模块my efforts at persuasion,he wouldn’t agree.

a .apart from b.in spite of c.because of d.in terms of


8. 【2012浙江温州期末八校联考】__what they say about me, i’m going to continue my work.

a. in terms of b. regardless of

c. instead of d. in f**or of

10.【2012·九江一模】most of the inhabitants 【居民】 can't afford to buy houses of their own, because the price is rising __

a.all the wayb.at last

c.at the same time d.in total

答案】a 解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:大部分的居民买不起属于自己的房子,因为房价一直在涨。

all the way“一直;自始自终”;at last “最后”;at the same time“与此同时”;in total“总共”。 all the way“一直;自始自终”符合题意。

11. 【2012.02·吉林重点中学适应】i am he**ilyat the moment, but i hope to be out of it when i get paid.

a.in debtb.in trouble

c.of difficultyd.in danger

12. 【2012·蚌埠质检】i feel uncomfortable each time i remember the situation my brother didn’t agree with methe matter.

a.where;to b.that;at c.which;about d.in which;on


14. 【2012·上海春招】a huge amount of money has been spent __the new bridge.

a. inb. onc. withd. for

答案】b解析】考查介词的用法。解题关键:spend some money on sth的被动语态形式。句意:大量的钱被用在建这座新桥上。

15. 【2012贵州联考】things in the world differeach other in countless ways.

a. with b. in c. from d. by

a. in face of b. in place of

c. in terms ofd. in honour of

c. in view of d. in spite of

答案】b解析】考查短语辨析。语境为:除了**与投资方面的合作以外,中加之间的文化交流也有望增加。in addition to 意思是:除了……之外(还有……)

18. 【2012浙江温州期末八校联考】the new tax policy only affects people on yearly incomes over ¥120,000, _the very rich.

a. by the way b. as a result

c. in other words d. as a manner of

答案】c解析】考查短语辨析。in other words意为:换句话说:

句意为:新的税收政策只是影响了那些年收入超过120,000元的人,换句话说,也就是富裕的人。by the way 顺便说一下;as a result结果是;as a manner of作为一个方式。

19. 【2012太原市高三年级调研】pe will be part of the high school graduation examinations.__you will h**e to be strong and healthy to graduate.

a.in need b.in case

c.in no time d.in other words

答案】d由后半句的“out of it when i get paid”可知a项正确。in debt“欠债”。in trouble“陷入困境”;in danger“陷入危险”。

2012·浙江调研】human history is rich __examples of our ability to overcome and rise above difficulties.

a. withb. ofc. ond. by

答案】d解析】考查介词短语。句意为:为回报我对她的帮助,她给我写了一封感谢信”,in return for表示“作为对……的回报”,故选d。


一 方位介词。1 常见的方位介词。2 along,through,across,over 3 at,on,to,in 4 between,among 1 between在 之间 指两者 常和and连用。the building stands between the park and the smal...

高考英语一轮复习专题3介词 介词短语和动词短语教学案

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