小学英语二年级下学期期中测试题2015part 1 writing笔试部分。
1. h___lp帮助3. _ll生病的。
4. h___m(宾格)他5. h___r(宾格)她6. _unday星期天。
二、选择不同类的单词。1. (a.
sunday2. (a. us3.
(a. cooks4. (a.
football5. (a. reading
三、选一选,根据问句找答句。( 1. whats the weather like?( 2. do you like it?
) 3. what do you usually do on sundays?( 4.
what are you doing?( 5. is amy drawing a picture?
1. i usually __my bike on sunday. a. ride c. riding d. read
2. my mother usually __shopping on go b. goes c. going d. does
but i am __doing my homework now. a. notb. dont c. isnt d. no
5. _sundays, i usually play football. a. inb. at c. on d. with
a. b. c.
d.2. a.
b. c. d.
3. a. b.
c. d.4.
a. b. c.
)but today she isnt doing these things.( my grandma usually cooks.
her. )and she usually goes shopping.( today i am cooking.
)and my father is going 2 listening听力材料听音标号。
1. shes going shopping.2. hes watching tv.3. theyre cooking.4. shes running.
5. he usually helps his father on sundays.6.
theyre playing catch.二、听录音选择正确的**。1.
shes riding his bike.
2. daming usually helps his father on sundays.3. hes ill.
4. my mother usually goes shopping on sunday.三、听录音,排列下列句子排序。
1. my grandma usually cooks.2.
and she usually goes shopping.
3 .but today she isnt doing these things.4. today i am cooking.
5. and my father is going shopping.
一 选择题。每小题3分,共60分。历史上的一些改革尽管在形式和内容上有许多相同之处,但本质却有着截然的不同。回答1 2题。1 春秋与战国时期的改革最主要的区别是 a 是否涉及政治改革b 是否涉及经济改革。c 是否由有地主阶级领导d 是否涉及军事改革。2 在同一时期的雅典则进行的一系列改革,使雅典走向...
凤冈县2011 2012学年度二年级第二学期。期末测试试卷。一 想一想,填一填。20分 1.10个一百是 一万里面有 个一千。2.63 9 口诀是。3.1000减去1是 它是 位数,9999添上1是 它是 位数。4.由3个千,8个百和1个一组成的数是 读作八千零一十写作 这个数的最高位上的计数单位是...
聪明的小朋友们,认真点 你一定行的。一 想一想里能填几。二 请你动笔算一算。三 填空。1 在没有括号的式子里有乘法和加 减法先算 法。除以9得 再加上94得 3 一个数百位上的数是3,十位上的数是6,千位上的数是5其余数位是零,这个数是。4 5 应先算 再算 四 排列下列各数。1 从大到小排列。五 ...