
发布 2020-12-18 00:33:28 阅读 5319


完卷时间 40分钟满分100分)

part one listening ( 第一部分听力 50分 )

i. listen and choose. (选出听到的字母组、单词或短语 )8%

ii. listen and tick . 听录音,勾出正确的**) 6 %

iii. listen and choose( 听一听,选出听到的句子 ) 6 %

iv. listen and choose ( 听录音,选出正确的应答句,将其代号填入括号) 10%

v.listen and number ( 听录音,给句子编号) 8%

( )1. i am nine years old.

) 2. i can ride a bicycle.

) 3. i’m tall and thin.

( )4. hello, i am john.

) 5. i h**e a sister.

) 6. we are very happy.

) 7. i am a boy.

) 8. i like to eat chicken.

vi.listen and choose: (听短文,选出正确的答案,将其代号填入括号内) 6%

vii. listen and fill ( 听录音,在相应的栏里打勾6%

part two reading and writing ( 第二部分笔试 50分 )

i. write the words and the sentence : 8

a. look and write(看大写,写小写,看小写,写大写。)


b. and write.( 正确书写下列句子)

look at this flower. it’s beautiful.

ii. read and choose (选出不同类词,将其字母代号填入括号内) 6 %

iii. read and match (请找出3对反义词,写在横线上) 6%

big many round young tall fat old thin small short

iv. look and write ( 看图, 将所给单词填写在对应的**下) 8 %

supergirl hair rabbit plate mouse hand mouth spoon

v. look and choose ( 看图选出正确的句子) 6%

vi. read and draw lines. (配对连线5%


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