二年级上册英语期末复习参考题 牛津英语

发布 2020-12-11 08:56:28 阅读 1467


一、用1,2,3,,,15给下列**标上序号。 star3. potato4. t-shirt5. hot dog

flower 12. skirt 13. sweet 14.


1. whats he? hes a worker.

2. what is this ? its a carrot.

3. take off your sweater.4.

clean the table please.5. h**e some bread, thanks.

she? shes my mother.五、连线。

what are those? oh, its big and he? hes my brother.

look at the moon! theyre your father? hes a so cold. ok.

h**e some milk, please. put on your coat.六。选答句。

) 1. look at the moon! a. its bright. b. itsround.

) 2. h**e some milk, please. a. thank you. right.

) hamburger please a. here you are. i like pies.

) 4. whos he? a. shes a teacher b. shes mysister.



) 1. a. fatherb.

motherc. butterfly( )2. a.

sweaterb. sweetc. skirt( )3.

a. riceb. juicec.

nice( )4. a. beanb.

bee c. bird( )5. a.

doorb. windowc. doll( )6.

a. breadb. hot dogc.


) 1. the bell is __tom. a.

at b. for,( 2. whats this?

its __a. a blue t-shirtb. t-shirt

) )4. _is she? shes a who b.

what( )5. we can see carrots and beans __themarket. a.

at b. for

) 6. whos he? _my shes b. hes( )7. what are these? _they areb. its

) 8. h**e some __ok,


)1.你想问他是谁时,你应该说___a. whats he?b. whos he?

)2.你想问她是做什么工作的,可以问___a. whos she? b. whats she?



a. put on your sweater. b. put on your skirt.( 5.你想买一些牛奶,可以说___

)6.你请别人吃一些面包,可以说___a. h**e some bread, please. b. some bread,please.

)7.你想给别人东西,可以说___a. thank you. b. here you are.

)8.想送对方一个礼物,可以说___a. thank you. b. the gift is for you.( 9.妈妈叫你擦书桌,可以说___

a. clean the table, please. b. clean the desk,please.

)10.爸爸叫你擦餐桌,你可以回答___a. all right.

b. clean the table, please.( 11.

你想问这些是什么,可以说___a. what are these? b.

whats this?

)12.你想知道那个东西是什么,可以问___a. whats that? b. what are those?十。


) merry christmas!1. they are tomatoes.

( its hot. put on your t-shirt. 2.

ok. thanks.

i like cakes.

) what are those? 3. merry christmas!

( h**e some cakes, please. 4. all right.

( a pencil, please. 5. here you are.

单词部分:sun moon star big small bright太阳月亮星星大的小的明亮的。

a door a window a desk a sofa a table a chair一扇门一扇窗户一个书桌一张沙发一张桌子一把椅子。

a carrot a bean a tomato a potato一个胡萝卜一个豆荚一个西红柿一个土豆an ant a butterfly a flower a tree一只蚂蚁一只蝴蝶一朵花一棵树a pie a cake a hamburger a hot dog一个馅饼一块蛋糕一个汉堡一个热狗bread rice milk juice面包米饭牛奶果汁。

a gift a bell a chocolate a sweet一件礼物一个铃铛一块巧克力一只糖果a coat a sweater a t-shirt a skirt一件外衣一件毛衣一件t恤一件衬衫。


二年级英语上册第二单元复习考题精选。如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,以下就是为大家分享的二年级英语上册第二单元复习,希望对大家有帮助。1.重点单词和短语 banana香蕉 名词 复数形式为bananas apple苹果 名词 milk奶,牛奶 不可数名词 orange柑橘,橙 ...


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