
发布 2020-12-11 02:46:28 阅读 3541


part 1: listening 40%

i.listen and write(听录音,写出听到的字母组)6%

ii. listen and tick (听录音,勾出你听到的**) 5%

iii. listen and circle the letters, words and phrases .(听录音, 圈出正确的字母组、单词或词组) 10%

3). a jar b mouse c mouth

4). a seven b six c sister

5). a mrs. wang b mr. wang c miss wang

iv. listen and number.(听录音, 给下列句子编号) 5%

v. listen and choose the correct answers. (听录音,圈出正确的应答句) 5%

vi. listen and judge. (听短文,判断下列句子意思是否正确,正确的用t表示,不正确的用f表示) 5%

1. it is afternoon.

2. miss wang is a teacher.

3. the girl’s name is rose.

4. rose is a teacher, too.

5. dotty is a rose’s sister.

vii. listen and match (听录音连线)4%

1. alicean apple

2. petera bag

3. dottya cat

4. miss fanga dog

part 2: reading and writing 60%

i. write (正确抄写单词和句子) 5%

how are you? fine, thank you.

ii. letters (字母) 10%

左右邻居:1. _r___2. _l __3. _o4. _d __5. _x __

iii. write the proper words (看**,写单词) 10%

1. can supergirlyes, she can.

2. how many bags do you see? i see

3. myis round.

4. good

5. the boy is

iv. choice (选择) 10%

) 1are you, alice? i’m fine. thank you.

a. whob. how

) 2. you’re big. no. i’m

a. smallb. young

) 3. this is my grandmother. she’s

a. oldb. young

) 4. my nosesmall.

a. isb. are

) 5. what can you do

a. yes, i can. b. i can swim.

v. read and choose(读一读,圈出在意义上不属于同一类的单词,圈在字母代号上):10%

1. a. myb. youc. shed. he

2. a. longb. hairc. faced. head

3. a. canb. arec. isd. am

4. a. headsb. earsc. mouth d. eyes

5. a. lionb. cowc. panda d. elephant

. read and match (选择正确的应答句) 5%

) 1. how are youa. i am five.

) 2. how old are youb. i can play football.

) 3. do you like winterc. three lions.

) 4. how many lionsd. i’m fine.

) 5. what can you doe. no, i like summer.

. read and judge (阅读文章,判断,用t或f表示) 10%

hello, i’m giant. i’m big. i’m tall.

my head is big. my eyes are big and my mouth is big, too. my nose is short.

my hair is short, too. i like apples.

this is supergirl. she is small. she is short.

she can run, swim and fly. but she can’t write. look, the face is round.

the eyes are big. the hair is long. i like supergirl, too.

) 1. giant is not short.

) 2. giant’s(的) nose is small.

) 3. giant’s (的)mouth is big.

) 4. supergirl’s (的)face is round.

) 5. she can write.


i.listen and write(听录音,写出听到的字母,字母组和单词)

字母组:ae dg ik po ml rw

ii. listen and tick (听录音,勾出你听到的**)

1. face 2. grandmother 3. six 4. tall 5. lion

iii. listen and circle the letters, words and phrases .(听录音, 圈出正确的字母组、单词或词组)

1. ije 2. gdpq 3. my mouth is big. 4. is she your sister?

5. hello, mr. wang.

1. b 2. c 3. c 4. c 5. b

iv. listen and number.(听录音, 给下列句子编号)

1. what’s your name? 2. i’m kitty wang. 3. i’m your teacher.

4. how are you5. i’m very well. thank you.

v. listen and choose the correct answers. (听录音,圈出正确的应答句)

1. are you kitty li? 2. who am i? 3. how old are you?

4. good morning. 5. can you see a book?

1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a

vi. listen and judge. (听短文,判断下列句子意思是否正确,正确的用t表示,不正确的用f表示)

--good morning, miss. who are you?


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