
发布 2020-12-04 23:02:28 阅读 3798

how are you?你怎么样?i’m fine.我很好。thank you.谢谢。

you are welcome.不客气。nice to meet you !

见到你很高兴!goodmorning !上午好!

good afternoon !下午好!good night !

晚安!i’m sorry.对不起。

that’s ok.没关系。who’s he ?他是谁?he is dad.他是爸爸。

he is grandpa.他是爷爷。he is brother.

他是兄弟。who’s she ?她是谁?

she is mom.她是妈妈。she is grandma她是奶奶。

she is sister.她是姐妹。

where is your sister?你的妹妹在**?she is at home.她在家。

this is my family.这是我的家庭。i ha*e a happy family.我有一个快乐的家庭。

my mom is an engineer.我的妈妈是个工程师。my dad is a doctor.我的爸爸是个医生。

my dad is a policeman.我的爸爸是个医生my mom is a teacher.我的妈妈是个老师。

an apple for you.给你一个苹果。here you are.给你。i ha*e afriend.我有一个朋友。

i ha*e a new classmate.我有一名新同学。what is he like ?他长什么样?he is tall.他很高。

he is short.他很矮。he is big.他很大。he is thin.他很瘦。

he is ugly.他很丑。she is pretty.她很漂亮。

i’m from china.我来自中国。i’m from canada.我来自加拿大。i’m from britain.我来自英国。

i’m from america.我来自美国。what toys do you like ?




we are friends .我们是朋友。we are classmates .

我们是同学。how delicious !多美味啊!

how beautiful !多美丽啊!there is a lake in the park.

公园里有个湖。there is a hill in the park..公园里有座山。

there are trees in the park.公园里有很多树。

what can you see in the picture ?你能从**上看到什么?i can see bridges, trees, flowers, grasses, ducks, boats.


what do you see ?你看到了什么?i see a bird.我看到了一只鸟。let’s take a picture.让我们照张相吧。

let’s go boating.让我们去划船吧。where is the duck ?鸭子在**?the duck is in the lake.鸭子在湖里。

where is lucky ?lucky在**?lucky is under the

在桥下面。where are you going ?你要去**?

i’m going to the supermarket.我要去超市。by taxi ?

乘出租车吗?no , by bus.不,乘公共汽车。

don’t play in the street !不要再街道上玩耍。excuse me.


where is the subway station ?地铁站在**?it’s next to thebus stop .它在公共汽车站旁边。

i’m going to the hospital by car.我乘小汽车去医院。

bill is going to the book store by bicyclebill骑自行车去书店。

lily is going to school on 步行去上学。

ha*e you been to the summer palace ?你去过颐和园吗?yes, i ha*e.

是的,我去过。no, i ha*en’t.不,我没去过。

i like beijing duck.我喜欢北京烤鸭。it’s great.它很伟大。

i’m happy in beijing.我在北京很快乐。me too.我也是。

merry christmas.圣诞节快乐。happy new year.新年快乐。

happy spring festi*al.春节快乐。the same to you.你也是。

here is a present for you.送你一份礼物。what’s this ?

这是什么?what colour is it ?它是什么颜色?

how many trees ?有多少棵树?what’s your name ?

你叫什么名字?myname is…我叫……


如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,为大家提供了二年级英语必背句子期中复习,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!how are you?你怎么样?i m fine.我很好。thank you.谢谢。you are welcome.不客气。nice to meet you 见到你很高兴!g...


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