
发布 2020-12-02 04:57:28 阅读 1431



满分: 100分测试时长:50分钟。

.listen and choose.听录音,选择听到的单词。(1*10=10)

)1. a. father b. mother

)2. a. sister b. brother

)3. a. thankb. look

)4. a. parkb. boat

)5. a. hisb. is

)6. a. whob. who’s

)7. a. friends b. classmates

)8. a. grassb. present

)9. a. happyb. thin

) merryb. pretty

. listen and order. 听录音,给下列**排序。(1*10=10)

.listen and choose.听录音,选择你所听到的句子。(1*5=5)

) we are going to the zoo . b. we are going to the park .

) here is a present for you . b. here is a card for you .

) he is my friendb. is he my friend ?

) she is linda ,my sister . b. he is jack , my father .

) this is my fatherb. this is my mother .

.listen and judge.听录音,判断句子是否正确,正确用t表示,错误用f表示。(1*5=5)

)1. i am going to the supermarket .

)2. there are trees in the park .

)3. what’s his name ? his name is ben .

)4. i want a pen . i’m going to the bookshop .

)5. here are two cards for you .

.read and choose .选出不同类的单词。(1*5=5)

)1. b. father c. monkey d. sister

)2. a. myb. his c. your d. i

)3. a. fat b. tall c. thin d. this

)4. a. we b. what c. where d. who

)5. a. zoo c. park d. school

.read and write.根据首字母填空。(1*5=5)

1. -who’s he ? he is my b

2. my sister is pi like my sister .

3. i am sick (生病的). i go to the hwith my father .

4. they are my cwe are in the same(相同的) class .

5. there are fin the grass . they are beautiful .

.read and write.用所给词适当形式填空。(1*5=5)

1. how manyboy ) are there in the park ?

2. therebe )an apple and some books on the desk .

3. -whatdo ) he look like ? he is tall and handsome .

4. where are you goingi amgo ) to the park .

5. i can see twoman ) in the zoo .

.read and choose .单项选择。(1*10=10)

)1. i amsister .

a. he b. she c. his d. my

)2is that womanis my mother .

a. what ; he b. who ; she c. what ; she d. who ; he

) are

a. friend b. friends c. boy d. a happy

)4. nice to meet you

a. to b. two c. too d. good

)5. herea bookyou .

a. is ; for b. are ; to c. is ; to d. are ; for

)6name is jim . what’sname ?

a. i ; your ; you c. my ; your d. i ; you

)7. boygirlgirl .

a. and b. or c. is d. but

)8. -do you like the school

a. yes , i like . b. yes , i don’t . c. no , i do . d. yes , i do .

)9. theresome grassthe tree .

a. are ; on b. are ; in c. is ; under d. be ; under

)10.--what’s this

a. this is a ruler . b. that is a zoo .

c. it is a treed. they are flowers .

.read and choose .情景交际。(1*5=5)

1.当你想告诉你的妈妈你有一个新朋友时,你可以说:( i h**e a friend .

,he has a new friend .,i h**e a new friend .,he has a new friend .

2. 你想向你的妈妈介绍你的新老师,说她又高又漂亮时,你可以说:(

a. i h**e a new teacher . she is tall and thin .

b. i h**e a teacher . she is thin and pretty .

c. i h**e a new teacher . she is tall and pretty .

d. i h**e a teacher . she is short and thin .

3. 你问你的朋友joy她要去**,她会回答:(

a. where are you ?

b. where are you going ?

c. i am going to the zoo .

d. i am at the zoo .

4. 新的一年即将到来,当别人向你表达新年祝福时,你会说:(

a. you are welcome.

b. you too .

c. that’s ok.

d. thank you !

5. 当你想知道一个人的长相,你会问:(

a. what dose he look like ?

b. where is he ?

c. he is tall and fat .

d. is he your brother ?

.read and choose .选句子,补全对话,将选项写在横线上。(1*5=5)


精选公文范文。小学英语二年级上。期末考试题。各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您 谢谢。中国 带来了小学英语二年级上册期末试题,希望会带给你很大的收获!一。找出每组中不同类的单词。6 二。选择题 16 tosing.2.doyoulive?somecoke?milk.yescold.theg...


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